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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 1:27 pm | #18871
Quote by Kat:
My region will actually be correct in January. Who moves north in January??? :0
Crazy people.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 1:50 pm | #18872
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Kat:
My region will actually be correct in January. Who moves north in January??? :0
Crazy people.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 2:10 pm | #18873
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 2:49 pm | #18874
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Why minnesota?
My daughter is there and we want to be around her more than 10 weeks a year. And she's almost a teenager, so she needs some supervision.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 2:54 pm | #18875
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Why minnesota?
My daughter is there and we want to be around her more than 10 weeks a year. And she's almost a teenager, so she needs some supervision.
Thats quite a change in scenery and pace. Did you find a new place to move into yet? Good luck with the move!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 3:00 pm | #18876
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Kat:
My daughter is there and we want to be around her more than 10 weeks a year. And she's almost a teenager, so she needs some supervision.
Thats quite a change in scenery and pace. Did you find a new place to move into yet? Good luck with the move!!
Thanks! I've lived there before- yeah it sucks. But it's just for a few years until Evol finishes his degree and gets his forever job. Then she'll be old enough to leave with us. It was either this or pay $10k for a lawyer and fight my ex. Even if I won it would take years, and I'd be away from her.
And nope, no place picked out yet. We are planning to go up after Christmas, I think and look for a house.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 3:27 pm | #18877
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 3:54 pm | #18878
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Thats quite a change in scenery and pace. Did you find a new place to move into yet? Good luck with the move!!
Thanks! I've lived there before- yeah it sucks. But it's just for a few years until Evol finishes his degree and gets his forever job. Then she'll be old enough to leave with us. It was either this or pay $10k for a lawyer and fight my ex. Even if I won it would take years, and I'd be away from her.
And nope, no place picked out yet. We are planning to go up after Christmas, I think and look for a house.
There's a reason they call it Minn-a-snow-ta. Most of the state gets 10 feet a year. Not all at once, but that's still a lot of snow.... =(
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 3:57 pm | #18879
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Thats quite a change in scenery and pace. Did you find a new place to move into yet? Good luck with the move!!
Thanks! I've lived there before- yeah it sucks. But it's just for a few years until Evol finishes his degree and gets his forever job. Then she'll be old enough to leave with us. It was either this or pay $10k for a lawyer and fight my ex. Even if I won it would take years, and I'd be away from her.
And nope, no place picked out yet. We are planning to go up after Christmas, I think and look for a house.
I dont know if minnesota has cities, but are you moving into a more city or boonies region or have you just not decided yet?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 4:49 pm | #18880
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Kat:
Thanks! I've lived there before- yeah it sucks. But it's just for a few years until Evol finishes his degree and gets his forever job. Then she'll be old enough to leave with us. It was either this or pay $10k for a lawyer and fight my ex. Even if I won it would take years, and I'd be away from her.
And nope, no place picked out yet. We are planning to go up after Christmas, I think and look for a house.
There's a reason they call it Minn-a-snow-ta. Most of the state gets 10 feet a year. Not all at once, but that's still a lot of snow.... =(
Haha spoken like a Californian. It usually is all at once- in April. 
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Kat:
Thanks! I've lived there before- yeah it sucks. But it's just for a few years until Evol finishes his degree and gets his forever job. Then she'll be old enough to leave with us. It was either this or pay $10k for a lawyer and fight my ex. Even if I won it would take years, and I'd be away from her.
And nope, no place picked out yet. We are planning to go up after Christmas, I think and look for a house.
I dont know if minnesota has cities, but are you moving into a more city or boonies region or have you just not decided yet?
Yes there are cities in MN and they double as the boonies.
. We will be in the suburbs. 
Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 5:18 pm | #18881
So youre essentially going to be a canadian then
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 6:48 pm | #18882
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
So youre essentially going to be a canadian then
Me and Krob are going to be Canadian lesbians together.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 6:51 pm | #18883
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
So youre essentially going to be a canadian then
Me and Krob are going to be Canadian lesbians together.
pics or it didn't happen
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 7:06 pm | #18884
Quote by Kat:
Yes there are cities in MN and they double as the boonies.

. We will be in the suburbs.
They also have the worst drivers in the country! I'm sure you know that having lived there before, but holy crap they are awful. Really nice people, they just can't drive for shit.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/13 7:57 pm | #18885
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Kat:
Yes there are cities in MN and they double as the boonies.

. We will be in the suburbs.
They also have the worst drivers in the country! I'm sure you know that having lived there before, but holy crap they are awful. Really nice people, they just can't drive for shit.
That's wi!!! They come over and do 10 under in the left lane!!!
But nah- drivers are bad EVERYWHERE now. There's no place where I want to be on the roads anymore!!!
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