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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 6:36 pm | #18811
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Spade:
Dark Souls 2 also comes out then. It will be a fun time for all of us.
dark souls is releasing in march tho
I heard 3/31, I've heard 4/10, I've heard 3/10. I gave up trying to figure out when.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 7:26 pm | #18812
Quote by Spade:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
dark souls is releasing in march tho
I heard 3/31, I've heard 4/10, I've heard 3/10. I gave up trying to figure out when.

wut none of those are right lol. they confirmed it to be 3/11 nearly 3 months ago.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 8:40 pm | #18813
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Ah, well that's sooner than I assumed. Horray!
Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 9:49 pm | #18814
Feels good to finally play some Xbox One again.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 11:18 pm | #18815
Last day of the regular semester, now it's just one more week of exams and I am off for a month...living under the same roof with my kids and my soon to be ex wife.
When does school start again???
Re: Random Thoughts
12/12/13 11:50 pm | #18816
I need to figure out some Christmas gift ideas pretty quickly. I always wait till the last minute and never can decide on anything. I have no idea what to get adult non-gamers. Suggestions accepted in shoutbox.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 2:10 am | #18817
Im excited for Walking Dead Season Two: Episode 1 to come out.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 3:49 am | #18818
Quote by slicknick3822:
Im excited for Walking Dead Season Two: Episode 1 to come out.
Me too, I haven't watched the Clem viral stuff they're doing- just want to go in surprised.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 7:34 am | #18819
You know what, life is stressful, & weird- have uber work deadlines coming up. And family drama flying my way soon. But that just all dissolved, right now- watching the first 2 minutes of Chuck: Season 1: Chuck vs The Seduction. Writing for Snapple, or anyone with Male genitalia. Just watch a depressed Zachary Levi have his world turned upside down- future bleak- then he looks up- & sees Yvonne Strahovski cartwheeling in a mini-shirt, at him. For some reason (I had to pause Netflix), I don't know what happens next- but I suspect it's about awesomeness. Thank you, Josh Schwatz, for making me smile.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 8:25 am | #18820
Yep- was awesomeness. I know from experience, that any guy, can get any girl- with the right intentions. That was a cute episode. Yes, they're only actors playing a part, but art will always imitate life. Everyone has their happy ending. No matter how distant- we have no idea how we're all connected, & how that special person just waltzes into your life. Great episode.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 9:33 am | #18821
Well, this is it. The credibility that youtube once had is now officially gone. They are now about to take down pretty much EVERY SINGLE GAMEPLAY VIDEO from their site!!! It's because of a new copyright policy. But the ironic thing is that game developers, mainly capcom, blizzard, ubisoft, and deep silver, are actually DEFENDING let's players. They're trying to talk to youtube about what the fuck they're doing! Face it, the world of gaming has gone to Hell...
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18822
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 11:45 am | #18823
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Well, this is it. The credibility that youtube once had is now officially gone. They are now about to take down pretty much EVERY SINGLE GAMEPLAY VIDEO from their site!!! It's because of a new copyright policy. But the ironic thing is that game developers, mainly capcom, blizzard, ubisoft, and deep silver, are actually DEFENDING let's players. They're trying to talk to youtube about what the fuck they're doing! Face it, the world of gaming has gone to Hell...
Youtube hates gaming. They auto-subbed everyone to the main Youtube channel so PewDiePie wldnt be #1.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 12:05 pm | #18824
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Yep- was awesomeness. I know from experience, that any guy, can get any girl- with the right intentions. That was a cute episode. Yes, they're only actors playing a part, but art will always imitate life. Everyone has their happy ending. No matter how distant- we have no idea how we're all connected, & how that special person just waltzes into your life. Great episode.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/13 12:26 pm | #18825
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Well, this is it. The credibility that youtube once had is now officially gone. They are now about to take down pretty much EVERY SINGLE GAMEPLAY VIDEO from their site!!! It's because of a new copyright policy. But the ironic thing is that game developers, mainly capcom, blizzard, ubisoft, and deep silver, are actually DEFENDING let's players. They're trying to talk to youtube about what the fuck they're doing! Face it, the world of gaming has gone to Hell...
I just signed into my account today and I am pissed. They deleted all my videos, subscriptions, recent videos I watched, and put my real name as my name without allowing me change it. I pretty much have a starting account with nothing on my page.
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