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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/04/13 9:27 pm | #18676
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
I'm seriously loving these Ice King/Marceline sigs.
i luv u guize.
i was enjoying it too
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 12:57 am | #18677
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Star wars prequels sucked because george lucas needs an editor and he refused to get one. The dialogue was awful, that said I still enjoyed them but damn those movies could of been so much better.
The editing was fine. The core stories were terrible. Indy 4's script needed work, but the general idea of it was sane enough. For an in-depth review of why the storytelling in I-III were balls, I direct you to Red Letter Media's 4hr+ review of the prequel trilogy:
*EDIT- oh you mean "story" editor not film editor. Yes. Recently a comic book adaptation of George's 1st draft for EPIV hit stores, it's only a few months old-- and it's weird how similar the 1st draft for EPIV sounds to EPI... a lot of galactic senate meetings, and crap nobody cares about. The subsequent drafts got rid of all that. Yes- totally- I do a 1st draft, give it to people I trust, get opinions, and after 3-4 drafts later, it's better for it. Nobody gets it right 100% of the time, it's a collaboration of good ideas.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 1:01 am | #18678
by editing I mean editing the script to change some of the dialogue.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 1:48 am | #18679
My wife is back from her 9 day vacation. The whole house just seems to be on edge now. This sucks.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 3:52 am | #18680
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
My wife is back from her 9 day vacation. The whole house just seems to be on edge now. This sucks.
Where are you in California? I think a Playboy mansion trip is in order for you, sir. Tell that to the soon-to-be ex-wife. I text "M" on my phone, and if he's in the area, we get in. Manager for the Black Eyed Peas. Honestly it's more bark than bite, you'd probably have more fun at a normal club- but the images it would conjure in a woman's mind, makes up for it. SoCal off Sunset blvd
PS: some images I took back then, so you know I'm not talking BS
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 8:27 am | #18681
That's pretty cool. The only time I see cars like that in a large group is in video games 
You should do it Mo, it might help refresh you after having to study the theoretical metaphysics of colour coordination and shit like that
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 9:35 am | #18682
I hate LA - but it might be worth it. If only I had the cash!!
Color Theory was not as tough as I thought, it's Political Science that's grinding my gears.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 9:37 am | #18683
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
My wife is back from her 9 day vacation. The whole house just seems to be on edge now. This sucks.
Where are you in California? I think a Playboy mansion trip is in order for you, sir. Tell that to the soon-to-be ex-wife. I text "M" on my phone, and if he's in the area, we get in. Manager for the Black Eyed Peas. Honestly it's more bark than bite, you'd probably have more fun at a normal club- but the images it would conjure in a woman's mind, makes up for it. SoCal off Sunset blvd
PS: some images I took back then, so you know I'm not talking BS

i want to go
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 6:00 pm | #18684
I just took the MFT test and my brain hurts. Its the nationally ranked business test you take in senior seminar and I guess its hosted by princeton in NJ at least for my school.
I feel dumb right now.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 6:12 pm | #18685
I felt dumb at Princeton too, I took a semester there- I'm sure you did fine.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 6:39 pm | #18686
Nelson mandela passed away
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 6:47 pm | #18687
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I felt dumb at Princeton too, I took a semester there- I'm sure you did fine.
I feel dumb at my school and im getting A's and B's.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 6:51 pm | #18688
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/05/13 8:36 pm | #18689
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Nelson mandela passed away
Yeah, and what made me smh was that I only heard about it as I was passing by a tv playing the news.
I knew Paul Walker had died in a car crash maybe 10 minutes after it happened, and it got spread around every social media outlet possible.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18690
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