Random Thoughts
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Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Xandler:
Very good indeed, best laxative I've ever had.

Quote by xArockalypse:
Quote by Daniel:
I hated his obnoxious signature, and the troll stuff he said sometimes I think
Hypocritical statement of the night.
You haven't seen his sig so you wouldn't understand
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by xArockalypse:
Hypocritical statement of the night.
You haven't seen his sig so you wouldn't understand
It can't be as bad as your epileptic inducing sig can it?
I just found this cool new app on Xbox.
It's called "YouTube." Have you guys heard of it?
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by xArockalypse:
Hypocritical statement of the night.
You haven't seen his sig so you wouldn't understand
Imo his sig was only got part of his posts. Who doesnt like big titties!?
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by Detroit:
You're becoming XBA's new SigmaOmega3. You should be honored.
Remember when I was the one who brought him to this website in the first place? lolz

Are you sure it wasn't AJ? I'm willing to say it was AJ.

Quote by SeanPCannon:

Wait....people on here actually go outside....and do things with the opposite sex?
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Xandler:
Wait....people on here actually go outside....and do things with the opposite sex?
Yep we sure do, just last week we all gangbanged your mother & posted pics of it in the random pictures thread.
Where was I for this???
and it looks like someone is bootyhurt and decided to -1 everyone

Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by BigP 6:
Where was I for this???
and it looks like someone is bootyhurt and decided to -1 us

Nobody's butthurt, the site has just attracted a dislike troll in the last few weeks
I'm going to assume that's directed at me, but it's nice how I make an underhanded comment and I'm a troll...yet I browse other topics and people just take it and run, but whatever, you can think what you want. I just thought it was a humorous comment in the moment.
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