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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 1:47 am | #17656
Quote by Kat:
Quote by AJ:
Emilia Clarke (when smiling) looks like Willem Dafoe. That's why she's almost always in a somber mood in GoT.
Google it.

Almost identical. Just wait until she gets older and all smile lines get more pronounced.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 2:31 am | #17657
I guess I can see it.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 2:33 am | #17658
Fun fact: if you google "young Willem Dafoe," you will get very very old photos of Willem Dafoe from the 70s and 80s- in which he is still OLD. That guy must be a bazillion years old.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #17659
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 9:36 am | #17660
I am downloading Halo 3 on both of my consoles. Why not? It's free, right??
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #17661
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 10:14 am | #17662
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Kat:
Yeah she's not on my lesbian list. I'd feel like a pedophile. Just... Wrong.
And anyone that's ever seen Hard Candy knows her stance on pedophiles.
Right? I'd like to keep my balls, thanks. XD
I need gamestop to get serious and have a buy 1 get 2 free sale. Too many atelier, tales and ar tonelicos for b2g1 to be a big whoop. I NEED rune factory and the other disgaeas as well. Anyone play the hyperdimension neptunias??
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 11:00 am | #17663
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mudkip:
And anyone that's ever seen Hard Candy knows her stance on pedophiles.
Right? I'd like to keep my balls, thanks. XD
I need gamestop to get serious and have a buy 1 get 2 free sale. Too many atelier, tales and ar tonelicos for b2g1 to be a big whoop. I NEED rune factory and the other disgaeas as well. Anyone play the hyperdimension neptunias??
I did not like them much. Agarest 2 is a PS3 exclusive if you enjoyed the original. Cross Edge is pretty cool. Also
Valkyria Chronicles is a MUST PLAY for the PS3 rpg enthusiast.
Edit: Rune Factory was suprisingly dope.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 12:37 pm | #17664
Just watched the Cleveland Orchestra perform, and the music was so slow and peaceful, I almost fell asleep. LOL
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 12:37 pm | #17665
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mudkip:
And anyone that's ever seen Hard Candy knows her stance on pedophiles.
Right? I'd like to keep my balls, thanks. XD
I need gamestop to get serious and have a buy 1 get 2 free sale. Too many atelier, tales and ar tonelicos for b2g1 to be a big whoop. I NEED rune factory and the other disgaeas as well. Anyone play the hyperdimension neptunias??
All of those games have terrible names. And they wont have a b1g2 sale until like 3 years after, but you knew that already.
I want my gamestop t9 carry the tales of games, they have been sold out for a while now!
And woo its friday yo
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 1:10 pm | #17666
Gamestop's Black Friday sales have been leaked:
Some good stuff on there like Battlefield 4 for $29.99 and 3 month gold cards for $14.99.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 1:25 pm | #17667
fuuuuuuuuck that really makes me want to wait to get it then but I'll probably be swapping it out for the Xbone version if I have it
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 1:30 pm | #17668
Thats a terrible sale.
Ill get a year or two of ps+ and tales of xillia for 20 dollars tho
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 2:09 pm | #17669
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
Right? I'd like to keep my balls, thanks. XD
I need gamestop to get serious and have a buy 1 get 2 free sale. Too many atelier, tales and ar tonelicos for b2g1 to be a big whoop. I NEED rune factory and the other disgaeas as well. Anyone play the hyperdimension neptunias??
I did not like them much. Agarest 2 is a PS3 exclusive if you enjoyed the original. Cross Edge is pretty cool. Also
Valkyria Chronicles is a MUST PLAY for the PS3 rpg enthusiast.
Edit: Rune Factory was suprisingly dope.
Yeah I love rune factory. Valkyria chronicles is definitely on my list.
@snippety snap- you don't say? Next thing you know you're going to say there is no such thing as a buy 3 get them all free sale.
Unimpressed by gamestops bf sale.
Impressed by the ending of beyond 2 souls.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/18/13 2:25 pm | #17670
Games with gold is going to be continued indefinitely for now. I hope it carries over to next gen.
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