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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 12:33 am | #16591
I wish Twisted Metal 2 could be played online today.
Had a nostalgic conversation with a friend pertaining to Twisted Metal. Brought back so many great memories, I had to bust it out and run through a campaign.
Go Warthog! <3
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 12:42 am | #16592
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by BIGP 6:
I used to make smart ass comments like you, then I took an arrow to the knee
Which is funny as I just started playing Skyrim again and every time I hear that familiar phrase "I used to be..." I just have the urge to run away.
or shoot them in the other knee
yolo status
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #16593
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:33 am | #16594
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by BIGP 6:
I used to make smart ass comments like you, then I took an arrow to the knee
See, prime example of how there isn't a good joke involving that phrase.
I remember when that phrase first started spreading all over. I didn't got why it got so popular. I always thought it was super wack and not funny at all.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 7:33 am | #16595
Quote by Miss Allen86:
I wish Twisted Metal 2 could be played online today.
Had a nostalgic conversation with a friend pertaining to Twisted Metal. Brought back so many great memories, I had to bust it out and run through a campaign.
Go Warthog! <3

It's all about
Oh wait its really more about...
Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 8:25 am | #16596
So chickens eat their own eggs. That's pretty messed up.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #16597
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 12:45 pm | #16598
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
I wish Twisted Metal 2 could be played online today.
Had a nostalgic conversation with a friend pertaining to Twisted Metal. Brought back so many great memories, I had to bust it out and run through a campaign.
Go Warthog! <3

It's all about
Oh wait its really more about...

I hated those games.
only thing I played on ps1 was RPGs, crash bandicoot, mega man legends games, and tekken.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:36 pm | #16599
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
It's all about
Oh wait its really more about...

I hated those games.
only thing I played on ps1 was RPGs, crash bandicoot, mega man legends games, and tekken.
If you think PS1 didn't have good games then you have the worst taste of all time. It had the largest and most comprehensive library of games of any system ever.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:41 pm | #16600
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I hated those games.
only thing I played on ps1 was RPGs, crash bandicoot, mega man legends games, and tekken.
If you think PS1 didn't have good games then you have the worst taste of all time. It had the largest and most comprehensive library of games of any system ever.
Agreed, you missed out on the greatest library of games ever
Tomb Raider
Ridge Racer
Legacy of Kain
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal
The first 3 Resident Evils
Fucking Metal Gear
and the list goes on and on and one filled with gems I missed.
On another note, my bloodwork to make sure there's nothing wrong with me came back last week, healthy as one can be with the exception of an abnormal liver.
I'm scheduled to have a Liver Ultrasound and an MRI tomorrow to determine if I could possibly (most likely not) have a tumor in my brain that could be linked to my Vertigo.
I don't think I'm claustrophobic but if any of you guys have any experience to share to calm my nerves that would be appreciated!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:53 pm | #16601
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
If you think PS1 didn't have good games then you have the worst taste of all time. It had the largest and most comprehensive library of games of any system ever.
Agreed, you missed out on the greatest library of games ever
Tomb Raider
Ridge Racer
Legacy of Kain
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal
The first 3 Resident Evils
Fucking Metal Gear
and the list goes on and on and one filled with gems I missed.
On another note, my bloodwork to make sure there's nothing wrong with me came back last week, healthy as one can be with the exception of an abnormal liver.
I'm scheduled to have a Liver Ultrasound and an MRI tomorrow to determine if I could possibly (most likely not) have a tumor in my brain that could be linked to my Vertigo.
I don't think I'm claustrophobic but if any of you guys have any experience to share to calm my nerves that would be appreciated!
Let's add some more
Final Fantasy
Star Ocean
Syphon Filter
Parasite Eve
Monster Rancher
and the list goes on and on...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:54 pm | #16602
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Daniel:
Agreed, you missed out on the greatest library of games ever
Tomb Raider
Ridge Racer
Legacy of Kain
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal
The first 3 Resident Evils
Fucking Metal Gear
and the list goes on and on and one filled with gems I missed.
On another note, my bloodwork to make sure there's nothing wrong with me came back last week, healthy as one can be with the exception of an abnormal liver.
I'm scheduled to have a Liver Ultrasound and an MRI tomorrow to determine if I could possibly (most likely not) have a tumor in my brain that could be linked to my Vertigo.
I don't think I'm claustrophobic but if any of you guys have any experience to share to calm my nerves that would be appreciated!
Let's add some more
Final Fantasy
Star Ocean
Syphon Filter
Parasite Eve
and the list goes on and on...
He said he played RPGs so I assumed he played those lol, Except I forgot Syphon Filter and Parasite Eve!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:55 pm | #16603
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I hated those games.
only thing I played on ps1 was RPGs, crash bandicoot, mega man legends games, and tekken.
If you think PS1 didn't have good games then you have the worst taste of all time. It had the largest and most comprehensive library of games of any system ever.
I never said that, I just said I hated the vehicle combat games is all.
and looking at those lists I guess I played more games on ps1 then I thought lol. Ty blockbuster.
edit: the one games I owned where the ones I previously mentioned it what I remember, I still have a good portion of my ps1 collection in my closet.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 1:56 pm | #16604
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Let's add some more
Final Fantasy
Star Ocean
Syphon Filter
Parasite Eve
and the list goes on and on...
He said he played RPGs so I assumed he played those lol, Except I forgot Syphon Filter and Parasite Eve!
The original Armored Core games were fantastic as well.
Also Ogre Battle on PS1 was dope.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/22/13 2:03 pm | #16605
final fantasy (including tactics)
chrono trigger
syphon filter
crash bandicoot
mega man legends (and other mega man games)
street fighter alpha 3
ape escape
Medal of Honor
tony hawk pro skater
metal gear solid
I was pretty young when ps1 was around and didn't get to play many m rates games, but I think for most part that was the games I owned.
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