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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 2:10 am | #15541
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
it's ridiculously dumb to charge tax online, it's gonna drive people to stop shopping online because it kills most of their sales and bigger ticket purchases.
why wait if i'm paying same price when i can go to store and get it today?
On the contrary, Why go to the store when I can have it delivered noon tomorrow?
No shit, I'll still take the convenience of it being delivered to my door on day one over driving out of my way to the store when I have work and class.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 2:48 am | #15542
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Daniel:
On the contrary, Why go to the store when I can have it delivered noon tomorrow?
No shit, I'll still take the convenience of it being delivered to my door on day one over driving out of my way to the store when I have work and class.
I'd rather be able to go pick it up right now for same price then wait, or even get it via digital download if possible
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 11:07 am | #15543
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Kat:
Ouch... Sooo muchhhh sodiummmmm. One glass is over 1/4 of your recommended allowance. >.<
And a truck load of fiber...you have toilet paper, right??
Is that why I get cleaned out every time I do that?! I always hoard extra packages of toilet paper for no particular reason though and I'm usually rather constipated so it's all good.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 11:38 am | #15544
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
it would be interesting to see who + or - your posts. (also assuming it was used more frequently)
This could be amusing... But it also kills the equally entertaining game,"Which one of you nerdsnakes just negged me?!" Its all good fun, as long as no one takes it too seriously or gets butthurt, but we'd probably spontaneously explode in a flame war.
I would down vote every mod post because lolmods.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 11:45 am | #15545
I have a problem, well a lot of them actually, but I'm going to try to focus on one here. I feel like a disgusting piece of trash. I get dirty looks and remarks if I try to walk throug Walmart. This is a Walmart where two female employees once committed lesbian acts (kissing and groping) beside a vending machine in front of the store and where a gay guy gets no flack, and even mentally challenged people aren't bothered. I happen to be a female who looks like a dude and suddenly people aren't so accepting anymore. People are fine with every classification in existence except ME. I don't mean to rant, but I'm so tired of hypocrites judging me for how I look. If they would get to know me, they would find out I'm the type of person with a rough exterior and sensitive insides and actually pretty great to talk to. Yeah, I'm a little weird, but who isn't in some way?
Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 12:52 pm | #15546
Senthura, I like the way you said they "committed" lesbian acts.
Be yourself. Ya know? Be comfortable with who you are, and don't think about what observers & bystanders would report.
You must train yourself to recognize when your thoughts go negative or you start thinking about situations you couldn't control anyway--wipe them away and fill your head with things you do want to focus on.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #15547
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:00 pm | #15548
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mudkip:
What part of random thoughts don't you understand? lol
This thread puts the dumb in randumb thoughts!!
-____- like i didnt know it myself... ofc its the logic of random thought itself. no one took the time to pay attention to the details or analyze the process itself. my own random thought found that interesting.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:01 pm | #15549
Quote by BIGP 6:
My son is watching one of the newer power rangers & I'm thinking bac on my childhood and......has there ever been a power rangers show that wasn't low budget?
They spent all their budget on Tommy's high maintenance ponytail.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #15550
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:18 pm | #15551
Quote by BIGP 6:
Here's an alternative to feeling like a "disgusting piece of trash"......maybe try feeling like a fucin badass because people find you so important to give you funny looks & be bothered by your presence......never forget haters gonna hate so if your comfortable in your skin then NOTHING & NOBODY else matters.....long story short, FUC EM
Amen to that. Everytime I go places, people are always staring and whispering shit. I just stick my hands in the pockets of my ripped up Coors beer pajama pants, kick my Eeyore bedroom shoes, and smile big enough to show my dead tooth. Haters gon' hate.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:21 pm | #15552
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by BIGP 6:
Here's an alternative to feeling like a "disgusting piece of trash"......maybe try feeling like a fucin badass because people find you so important to give you funny looks & be bothered by your presence......never forget haters gonna hate so if your comfortable in your skin then NOTHING & NOBODY else matters.....long story short, FUC EM
Amen to that. Everytime I go places, people are always staring and whispering shit. I just stick my hands in the pockets of my ripped up Coors beer pajama pants, kick my Eeyore bedroom shoes, and smile big enough to show my dead tooth. Haters gon' hate.
yeah apparently being drunk in public and peeing in the middle of the store (on what may or may not be a baby in a stroller) got you dirty looks, who knew?
Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:30 pm | #15553
I wonder how Xbox Rewards is gonna work now that Microsoft is switching to local currency.
As you may have heard from the announcements at E3, major changes are coming to Xbox Live. One of these changes is the switch to local currency for purchases on Xbox. That means Microsoft Points will soon be retired and you'll instead be able to use money to purchase content on Xbox (see Xbox.com Points FAQ for more info).
With all these changes, it's become necessary for us to evolve the way we reward you. Starting August 1, 2013, you will not be able to earn Microsoft Points through Xbox Live Rewards any longer. Not to worry, though! Since this currency change is impacting the structure of the program, we're taking the opportunity to make Xbox Live Rewards even better. You'll continue to get rewarded for doing the things you love on Xbox Live – just not with Microsoft Points. So come back to rewards.xbox.com on September 1, 2013 for the full scoop. You can also follow us at @XboxLiveRewards on Twitter for the latest updates.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/11/13 1:42 pm | #15554
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #15555
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