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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:20 pm | #15136
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Daniel:
I finally took the time to play Chrono Trigger, oh my is it an amazing game just 2 hours in it looks like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound easily make it into my Top 5 RPGs
Correct on both counts! Chrono Trigger is great, and both it and Earthbound should be in any enthusiast's top 5 list.
And yeah, Chrono Trigger keeps getting better as you go, and unlike a lot of games in its day, it has great replay value for the multiple endings and stuff.
Yes I've heard so that will keep me busy while my internet gets fixed, if ever, Super Mario RPG is next on my list of games to play, and then I will move on to my all time favorite N64 Game being Paper Mario. Any recommendations welcome on any console on any generation before 7, I heard Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is good.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:36 pm | #15137
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Meta:
Correct on both counts! Chrono Trigger is great, and both it and Earthbound should be in any enthusiast's top 5 list.
And yeah, Chrono Trigger keeps getting better as you go, and unlike a lot of games in its day, it has great replay value for the multiple endings and stuff.
Yes I've heard so that will keep me busy while my internet gets fixed, if ever, Super Mario RPG is next on my list of games to play, and then I will move on to my all time favorite N64 Game being Paper Mario. Any recommendations welcome on any console on any generation before 7, I heard Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is good.
Chrono Cross is one of my favorites, the .hacks, the .hack//gus, Odin Sphere, Ar Tonelico... Wait, is ps2 before gen 7? 7 is current, right?
Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:36 pm | #15138
Chrono Cross is much better than anyone gives it credit for as well. The entire Persona series is amazing! But my favorite is Suikoden.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:38 pm | #15139
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:40 pm | #15140
I'd vote for Suikoden as well. I have only played the first one but it was awesome.
Are you playing actual discs or emulating? If you're emulating, get Xenogears ASAP.
Then play Xenosaga 1-3 sometime after, no rush.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:42 pm | #15141
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

Because PS3 offered no sequels to anything we liked on PS2/PS1.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:44 pm | #15142
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

Because PS3 offered no sequels to anything we liked on PS2/PS1.
Yup, there it is.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:44 pm | #15143
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

It's because you wanted to see Satan's penis in Dante's Inferno and you didn't know it was going to be on PS3 as well.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:45 pm | #15144
Quote by Meta:
I'd vote for Suikoden as well. I have only played the first one but it was awesome.
Are you playing actual discs or emulating? If you're emulating, get Xenogears ASAP.
Then play Xenosaga 1-3 sometime after, no rush.
Suikoden 2 > Suikoden 1 > Suikoden 3 > Suikoden 5 > Suikoden 4.
Fantastic series. 2 is probably my favorite RPG of all time.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:54 pm | #15145
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

There's only a few RPGs I actually really enjoy and praise on the 360 for being great on every scale; Tales of Vesperia, Record of Agarest War (Very small amount of people will enjoy this like I do I enjoy grindfests) Fallout which is a probably one of the only Western RPGs Mass Effect being another that I like.
Lost Odyssey was ok but weirdly too slow for me (Waits for Minioger to ban me)
I am emulating from my PC to my TV, there's no shame in not wanting to pay $200-400 for a game
I've heard Chrono Cross gets a lot of hate for not being the sequel they wanted but I'll find out soon enough.
PS2 is generation 6 so that's fine. I've heard many great things about the Suikoden and Xeno saga and was going to get to them in due time.
and no matter what anyone else says Final Fantasy VI (III in the US) is the greatest RPG of all time!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 9:56 pm | #15146
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

It's because you wanted to see Satan's penis in Dante's Inferno and you didn't know it was going to be on PS3 as well.
Hahahahahaha!!!! I like mouth nips and I cannot lie!
Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 10:01 pm | #15147
In the way of exclusive JRPGs the 360 is very limited. Lost Odyssey is it's only true claim to fame. Especially after PS3 landed Star Ocean International. (Basically a improved version of Star Ocean TLH)
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 10:09 pm | #15148
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Kat:
I'm sitting here now trying to figure out why I play 360.

There's only a few RPGs I actually really enjoy and praise on the 360 for being great on every scale; Tales of Vesperia, Record of Agarest War (Very small amount of people will enjoy this like I do I enjoy grindfests) Fallout which is a probably one of the only Western RPGs Mass Effect being another that I like.
Lost Odyssey was ok but weirdly too slow for me (Waits for Minioger to ban me)
I am emulating from my PC to my TV, there's no shame in not wanting to pay $200-400 for a game

I've heard Chrono Cross gets a lot of hate for not being the sequel they wanted but I'll find out soon enough.
PS2 is generation 6 so that's fine. I've heard many great things about the Suikoden and Xeno saga and was going to get to them in due time.
and no matter what anyone else says Final Fantasy VI (III in the US) is the greatest RPG of all time!
No I'm okay with you not loving Lost Odyssey, it's hating it or ripping on Kaim that I have issues with. <glares at Kat>
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 10:14 pm | #15149
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
In the way of exclusive JRPGs the 360 is very limited. Lost Odyssey is it's only true claim to fame. Especially after PS3 landed Star Ocean International. (Basically a improved version of Star Ocean TLH)
Also, the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata was better than the 360 version, I believe. :/
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/13/13 10:22 pm | #15150
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Daniel:
There's only a few RPGs I actually really enjoy and praise on the 360 for being great on every scale; Tales of Vesperia, Record of Agarest War (Very small amount of people will enjoy this like I do I enjoy grindfests) Fallout which is a probably one of the only Western RPGs Mass Effect being another that I like.
Lost Odyssey was ok but weirdly too slow for me (Waits for Minioger to ban me)
I am emulating from my PC to my TV, there's no shame in not wanting to pay $200-400 for a game

I've heard Chrono Cross gets a lot of hate for not being the sequel they wanted but I'll find out soon enough.
PS2 is generation 6 so that's fine. I've heard many great things about the Suikoden and Xeno saga and was going to get to them in due time.
and no matter what anyone else says Final Fantasy VI (III in the US) is the greatest RPG of all time!
No I'm okay with you not loving Lost Odyssey, it's hating it or ripping on Kaim that I have issues with. <glares at Kat>
I still have it and will probably pick it up again since I like completing RPGs my favorite part of Lost Odyssey was the 1000 Years of Dreams bit, it just really drew me in and actually made me look forward to read short stories, and I hate short stories!
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
In the way of exclusive JRPGs the 360 is very limited. Lost Odyssey is it's only true claim to fame. Especially after PS3 landed Star Ocean International. (Basically a improved version of Star Ocean TLH)
Also, the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata was better than the 360 version, I believe. :/
Omg that's one game I have yet to play! I keep putting it off everytime I want to buy it. Star Ocean ugh, I know I have to go back and finish it but oh my god the voice acting was so annoying I wish I had a Japanese Version no to mention the weird Bonus System getting reset every time I loaded my save
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