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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 8:32 pm | #15166
Quote by xSirSwish:
What games?
need for speed most wanted (2006)
nba 2K6
madden 06
terminator salvation
Truth or lies
night at the museum: BotS
fight night round 3
and i think maybe Lost via domus from someone i know.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 8:37 pm | #15167
some tips:
for Truth or Lies, I recommend finding some sound files on your computer which will get you a truth or a lie 100% of the time, then put your mic by the comp speakers and use the sound to finish the game quickly
Terminator Salvation, play on Hard from the start, move forward slowly so you don't get bad checkpoint placement, grit your teeth through the deaths and just keep going, it goes by quickly
Night at the Museum, get a guide for the collectibles but most of them are very obvious to find, just read what is where and make sure you grab everything in an area before progressing
FNR3, I recommend giving your custom boxer Joe Frasier's signature special move haymaker then abusing the hell out of it, it will KO the cpus real quick
Madden 06 sucks, find something to watch on PC or something for when you're doing the 40 years of simming
NBA2K6 I don't remember much except that it was easy, I think one of the Achievements is for rebounds so after you get the others during the longest possible game, just check and see whop on your team has the most rebounds already then start using them to goal tend as much as possible
Lost Via Domus make sure you get a walkthrough-style guide to minimize backtracking
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 8:46 pm | #15168
Quote by Meta:
some tips:
for Truth or Lies, I recommend finding some sound files on your computer which will get you a truth or a lie 100% of the time, then put your mic by the comp speakers and use the sound to finish the game quickly
Terminator Salvation, play on Hard from the start, move forward slowly so you don't get bad checkpoint placement, grit your teeth through the deaths and just keep going, it goes by quickly
Night at the Museum, get a guide for the collectibles but most of them are very obvious to find, just read what is where and make sure you grab everything in an area before progressing
FNR3, I recommend giving your custom boxer Joe Frasier's signature special move haymaker then abusing the hell out of it, it will KO the cpus real quick
Madden 06 sucks, find something to watch on PC or something for when you're doing the 40 years of simming
NBA2K6 I don't remember much except that it was easy, I think one of the Achievements is for rebounds so after you get the others during the longest possible game, just check and see whop on your team has the most rebounds already then start using them to goal tend as much as possible
Lost Via Domus make sure you get a walkthrough-style guide to minimize backtracking
WOW.. thanks my dude! if i had any medal to give to,i would give you one and honor it to you lol. thanks brotha for the helpful tips!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 9:21 pm | #15169
Quote by isaidgofly:
Quote by Meta:
some tips:
for Truth or Lies, I recommend finding some sound files on your computer which will get you a truth or a lie 100% of the time, then put your mic by the comp speakers and use the sound to finish the game quickly
Terminator Salvation, play on Hard from the start, move forward slowly so you don't get bad checkpoint placement, grit your teeth through the deaths and just keep going, it goes by quickly
Night at the Museum, get a guide for the collectibles but most of them are very obvious to find, just read what is where and make sure you grab everything in an area before progressing
FNR3, I recommend giving your custom boxer Joe Frasier's signature special move haymaker then abusing the hell out of it, it will KO the cpus real quick
Madden 06 sucks, find something to watch on PC or something for when you're doing the 40 years of simming
NBA2K6 I don't remember much except that it was easy, I think one of the Achievements is for rebounds so after you get the others during the longest possible game, just check and see whop on your team has the most rebounds already then start using them to goal tend as much as possible
Lost Via Domus make sure you get a walkthrough-style guide to minimize backtracking
WOW.. thanks my dude! if i had any medal to give to,i would give you one and honor it to you lol. thanks brotha for the helpful tips!
Here's a link to a glitch on Terminator, let's you play through the game on easy then go back to get the achievement for the hard difficulty.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 9:30 pm | #15170
Quote by Dr Feelgood 474:
game isn't difficult on hard though.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 9:42 pm | #15171
For FNR3 turn the low blows off so you can low blow the opponent and won't get penalized for it. Makes the game very easy
Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 10:10 pm | #15172
thanks guys! i love you all!! no homo!
Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 10:10 pm | #15173
Every time I read the XBA global gamerscore, I always read the '...and growing' part like they use to say it in the old Flintstones Kids commercials.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #15174
Re: Random Thoughts
06/16/13 11:47 pm | #15175
I am beat as hell. Can't wait to just sit in the fuckin' pool all day tomorrow.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #15176
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/17/13 12:17 am | #15177
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by zach citizenn:
What happened to this site? I'm not no forum celebrity or anything. When I first joined I always saw events posted, and now not so much.

Events get posted every now and then. But more often than not you'll usually get below 50% of the people that signed up for it to show. We basically use TA for boosting events now and this as just a community site.
yeah no real point in using it.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/17/13 1:04 am | #15178
Just finished playing The Last of Us. That was an intense ride.
10/10 would play again.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/17/13 1:30 am | #15179
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Just finished playing The Last of Us. That was an intense ride.
10/10 would play again.

Can't wait to play it, waiting for my copy via Gamefly.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/17/13 1:38 am | #15180
I tried it out yesterday, it was fantastic.
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