Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by BigZuDaddy:
ive been done with the nhl since the lockout started.millionaires fighting with the fucking game and shut the fuck up

Quote by Heaven In Vain:
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
ive been done with the nhl since the lockout started.millionaires fighting with the fucking game and shut the fuck up
Couldn't agree more.
On another note, Detroit is going back to the world series!!


Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
ive been done with the nhl since the lockout started.millionaires fighting with the fucking game and shut the fuck up
Couldn't agree more.
On another note, Detroit is going back to the world series!!


blah blah blah 27 championships.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
Couldn't agree more.
On another note, Detroit is going back to the world series!!


blah blah blah 27 championships.
It's about the now, Sonny.
I love Yankees fan like you who say this lol. Like okay 27 rings, 26 of which you weren't alive to see or too young to even care about.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
blah blah blah 27 championships.
It's about the now, Sonny.
I love Yankees fan like you who say this lol. Like okay 27 rings, 26 of which you weren't alive to see or too young to even care about.
He must be pretty damn young then. They've won 5 since i've been alive and 3 that i've seen.....

Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by Detroit:
It's about the now, Sonny.
I love Yankees fan like you who say this lol. Like okay 27 rings, 26 of which you weren't alive to see or too young to even care about.
He must be pretty damn young then. They've won 5 since i've been alive and 3 that i've seen.....
Yeah, Snap is like- 4 or 5, I think...
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
blah blah blah 27 championships.
It's about the now, Sonny.
I love Yankees fan like you who say this lol. Like okay 27 rings, 26 of which you weren't alive to see or too young to even care about.
I've been alive for more yankee's championships then your whole organisation has won so boom, roasted.
and LOL @ the Seattle SEAChiclets
so fail

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
It's about the now, Sonny.
I love Yankees fan like you who say this lol. Like okay 27 rings, 26 of which you weren't alive to see or too young to even care about.
I've been alive for more yankee's championships then your whole organisation has won so boom, roasted.
and LOL @ the Seattle SEAChiclets
so fail
Thats fair. But lets count how many you were probably actually a "fan" for. 1, maybe 2?

Claiming the past is pointless and all you skankee fans do it. Lol nobody cares who you beat up in the first grade. You got your ass kicked RIGHT NOW. So suck on that. Yankees suck. Worst fan base ever.
Quote by Circus:

Its not his fault he rides bandwagons. He lives in Jersey. They can barely maintain sports teams so they claim the nearest cities like Philly and NY. If NY sports have a bad year he jumps over to Philly

Quote by Detroit:
I wasn't going to dignify your "yankees suck" rants with a response, but you had to go ahead and say that. First a question. Why can't you just be happy your team is moving on and not have to bash the other team and its fans? If the Yankees had won I guarantee I would not have gotten in here and told Detroit & their fans to suck it. Yes the Yankees absolutely sucked throughout the playoffs like I've never seen before (by the way Im 35 & my first game I went to was in 1984 so save the bandwagon shit for someone else).
If Yankee fans are the worst why do we spend hard earned money to fill our stadium and our opponents stadiums all summer every year? I certainly don't see tigers fans packing the place in Chicago, Minnesota, or for 4 months of the season Detroit. I live in Chicago Cub country & have to put up with the "Yankees suck" shit from cubs fans. Pretty sure that's the definition of irony.
As far as Yankee fans bringing up the past, most of us know the history of the game and grew up learning about our past teams and players. Some were great and some were a joke, but they did happen and failing to recognize and appreciate the history of the game is what those bandwagon fans do. Are you telling me Cabrera's triple crown won't matter next year because it will begin the past? Or will that only matter because it's your team?
/ end of rant. Good luck in the World Series
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Detroit:
I wasn't going to dignify your "yankees suck" rants with a response, but you had to go ahead and say that. First a question. Why can't you just be happy your team is moving on and not have to bash the other team and its fans? If the Yankees had won I guarantee I would not have gotten in here and told Detroit & their fans to suck it. Yes the Yankees absolutely sucked throughout the playoffs like I've never seen before (by the way Im 35 & my first game I went to was in 1984 so save the bandwagon shit for someone else).
If Yankee fans are the worst why do we spend hard earned money to fill our stadium and our opponents stadiums all summer every year? I certainly don't see tigers fans packing the place in Chicago, Minnesota, or for 4 months of the season Detroit. I live in Chicago Cub country & have to put up with the "Yankees suck" shit from cubs fans. Pretty sure that's the definition of irony.
As far as Yankee fans bringing up the past, most of us know the history of the game and grew up learning about our past teams and players. Some were great and some were a joke, but they did happen and failing to recognize and appreciate the history of the game is what those bandwagon fans do. Are you telling me Cabrera's triple crown won't matter next year because it will begin the past? Or will that only matter because it's your team?
/ end of rant. Good luck in the World Series
Im just talkin shit. Chill brah. Yankees suck.
But seriously, You dont fill the stands. I was reading the NY Times and listening to national sports radio and they were talking about how you guys had empty seats during games 1 and 2. Its not about showing up that makes you terrible, its just the superior attitude that a majority of your fanbase has that makes people sick. You're spoiled and you show it.
Tigers aren't a huge market you turd

And Caberas triple crown is not a team thing. It will always matter. Not because he's on my favorite team but because the feat itself is more impressive than any championship. Tell me who the world series in 1967 without googling it. Tell me who won the super bowl in 2003. You cant. But I bet you know what football teams had perfect seasons, the last pitcher to throw a perfect game, or the last guy to win the triple crown.
Chicago Cubs fans > Yankees fans

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