Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by BeaverHunter:
Yeah I decided to go ahead and read it and reply. Shame on me -__-.
So I guess my last post had nothing intelligent in it? Lol yeah... okay whatever makes you feel better. Im not taking it to the PMs unless the staff request it. I mean.. we are talking sports in a random sports talk thread.
Like I said before, Im just talking shit. I know the Yankees are good, always have been for the most part. Thats why everybody hates em and their fanbase. I go through it a tad bit with the Red Wings but hockey doesnt get too much attention. The Cubs thing was just to get you steamin... take a chill pill and count all your teams championships

Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Circus:

Its not his fault he rides bandwagons. He lives in Jersey. They can barely maintain sports teams so they claim the nearest cities like Philly and NY. If NY sports have a bad year he jumps over to Philly

I would rather eat dog shit then root for a team from Philly or Boston.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
Its not his fault he rides bandwagons. He lives in Jersey. They can barely maintain sports teams so they claim the nearest cities like Philly and NY. If NY sports have a bad year he jumps over to Philly

I would rather eat dog shit then root for a team from Philly or Boston.
Dont lie. I seen you rocking that Phillies shirt back in 08

Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I would rather eat dog shit then root for a team from Philly or Boston.
Dont lie. I seen you rocking that Phillies shirt back in 08

I'd sooner castrate myself then be known or wear Philly/Boston gear.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Like I said before, Im just talking shit. I know the Yankees are good, always have been for the most part.

I don't like baseball so I could give 2 shits either way

Quote by Circus:
Quote by Detroit:
Like I said before, Im just talking shit. I know the Yankees are good, always have been for the most part.

I don't like baseball so I could give 2 shits either way

I so need to rock a Detroit or Boston gamerpic just to tease beaver of some of the most memorable moments of the yankees. Maybe there is broom gamer picture? Lol j/k beaver
EDIT: and I just did........ one for public and one for friends

Quote by The Snapple Cap:

Best team in the Big LEast!

Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Detroit:
I wasn't going to dignify your "yankees suck" rants with a response, but you had to go ahead and say that. First a question. Why can't you just be happy your team is moving on and not have to bash the other team and its fans? If the Yankees had won I guarantee I would not have gotten in here and told Detroit & their fans to suck it. Yes the Yankees absolutely sucked throughout the playoffs like I've never seen before (by the way Im 35 & my first game I went to was in 1984 so save the bandwagon shit for someone else).
If Yankee fans are the worst why do we spend hard earned money to fill our stadium and our opponents stadiums all summer every year? I certainly don't see tigers fans packing the place in Chicago, Minnesota, or for 4 months of the season Detroit. I live in Chicago Cub country & have to put up with the "Yankees suck" shit from cubs fans. Pretty sure that's the definition of irony.
As far as Yankee fans bringing up the past, most of us know the history of the game and grew up learning about our past teams and players. Some were great and some were a joke, but they did happen and failing to recognize and appreciate the history of the game is what those bandwagon fans do. Are you telling me Cabrera's triple crown won't matter next year because it will begin the past? Or will that only matter because it's your team?
/ end of rant. Good luck in the World Series
But you can't really take that personally, a lot of Yankees fans do suck. A lot of them are bandwagon jumpers, and total douche-y assholes as well.
You're not, and I'd never insinuate that you are, but you're the exception to the rule. And you're a lifer- you're not a douche-y college fratboy/ douche-y young college grad at a sportsbar fan. AND, you're not from... let's just say "areas of the country known specifically for assholes and asshole sportsfans."
I like the Yankees about as much as I like the Heat... and for the same reasons, but I don't hold it against ya.
However- leave Cub fans out of it. They're just harmless drunks. You know what fans suck? Fucking White Sox fans.
Quote by Kat:
You know what fans suck? Fucking White Sox fans.
Yup. I know this from personal experience. The maddest I've ever seen my mom was when we went to Chicago for vacation one summer when I was in high school just to see the Tribe play two games against the White Sox. One of those games just happened to be the game where Albert Belle had his bat confiscated on suspicion of corking and someone sneaked into the Umpires room thru the drop ceiling to switch his bat.

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