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The Scions of the Seventh Dawn:
To complete this quest you must fuck yourself, and fuck anyone you know. Then tell your mom to such your bitchie ass small dick you gay dude.
I had to laugh though.
Quote by IRiSH:
Joe Adventures is just hard as hell. At least I was able to complete Jimmy's Vendetta, but the Speed-inspired mission 1/2 half through, made me quit.
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by IRiSH:
Joe Adventures is just hard as hell. At least I was able to complete Jimmy's Vendetta, but the Speed-inspired mission 1/2 half through, made me quit.
That's the other thing I hated about the DLC. Why they decided to incorporate all those new features that they didn't have in the main story like timing and scoring the missions just killed the flow and made it more of a fucking chore. I left a few DLC cheevos on the table back when I originally played it and thought I might wanna try to take another crack at em but then realized most of them are for Jimmy's Vendetta and I decided there was no way in hell I was gonna go thru that again. Especially for the 1000 mile cheevo. That was just fuckin ridiculous.

How is Super Time Force, Snapple? The Ninja game was pretty good for $6, STF seems like it could be relatively easy as well. I like all the 1000g indie games, gives me a reason to buy and play them more than I would otherwise.
I became such a little Nintendo whore today...
New Mario U
Mario 3D World
Scribblenauts DC Universe
Mass Effect 3 wiiU
Last Story
Mario Galaxy
Punch Out
Zelda Twilight Princess
Metroid 3 Corruption
Looking forward to the 31st Bundle (I'll be away when it releases the 30th), comes with Mario Kart 8 & I'll use the free code for Zelda Wind Waker HD. All together (including the console bundle), ran me $536, with tax. That's literally the cost of my Xbox One on launch day (tax included), with no games. But I got Kinect. That worked out pretty well...
Quote by slicknick3822:
Yeah, Joes Adventures take place while Vito's in prison and is worth playing but I recommend playing it in sequential order and taking a break from the main story sometime while Vito's in the can. You start off trying to take care of the witnesses before Vito's trial but obviously he still goes away. Then somebody puts a hit out on Joe. He skips town and it flashforwards five years when he comes back and starts doing jobs again. Some of its cheevos suck but it's really Jimmy's vendetta that I hated.
And as Sean said, word is Mafia III will take place in New Orleans which I think is kinda cool but if it's during Prohibition, that'll suck cause that means we'll prolly never find out what became of Vito and Joe.
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by slicknick3822:
Yeah, Joes Adventures take place while Vito's in prison and is worth playing but I recommend playing it in sequential order and taking a break from the main story sometime while Vito's in the can. You start off trying to take care of the witnesses before Vito's trial but obviously he still goes away. Then somebody puts a hit out on Joe. He skips town and it flashforwards five years when he comes back and starts doing jobs again. Some of its cheevos suck but it's really Jimmy's vendetta that I hated.
And as Sean said, word is Mafia III will take place in New Orleans which I think is kinda cool but if it's during Prohibition, that'll suck cause that means we'll prolly never find out what became of Vito and Joe.
The only thing I would've changed, is that his "romance" to that prostitute of Joe's never went anywhere. She shows up in the bar the first day you're a free man, like it's setting up something. Then you "save" her from the guy harassing her outside Joe's place. She's constantly around Joe, but you never actually see him (Joe) kiss her, and she makes several advances at Vito. I don't know if his celibacy was intentional, in order to make him seem less corrupt, but I would have liked him to be casually hooking up with her, at least. Hell, he even looked uncomfortable at the cat club (strip joint). I would have had her killed off, in the 2nd to last mission, or so-- when you go save Joe from the rival family. You would be happy you saved your buddy, but then she would've gotten whacked, and tried to reach you- and you saving Joe, unconsciously stopped you from preventing her death.
Other than that, it's a pretty tight story, and still looks good today.
Quote by slicknick3822:
I did. It was fairly mediocre.
5 days until Drakengard 3!
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