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Archived: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...

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Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
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Quote by ShackNews:

The month-and-a-half between New Super Mario Bros. Wii's mid-November debut and December 31, 2009 saw the side-scrolling platform sell an astonishing 10.55 million copies globally, with Wii Fit Plus doing 13.58 million since its October release.

As for hardware, the Wii has now sold 67.45 million units worldwide, with the various iterations of the Nintendo DS adding up to lifetime sales of 125.13 million units.

The only thing I can immediately think of that I would even want from motion control is maybe a light Golf game, or bowling or boxing. And Wii has definitely already done that. This stupid house has a Wii, so when I really get the hankering to fake-bowl with friends, there it is.

What I am interested in seeing is what comes out for Natal that I haven't thought of, something really interesting. So far, nothing looks like that. But all we have is that early cheater video, a hacked version of Burnout, and that weird Milo software.

Personally, I would love it if the Xbox got light gun games, Natal or not. I'd even accept measly ports of the stuff Wii has had for a long time now--House of the Dead Overkill, Dead Space Extraction, Ghost Squad--these are seriously fun games. Plus the 360 could do a killer job of House of the Dead 4 and that one AvP arcade game.

The only thing I can really imagine Natal doing well that they haven't already hinted at is FPS-type gaming but with some minor changes. Has anyone here played Metroid Prime 3? It had a neat control scheme where you used the analog stick on the nunchuck for movement but aimed the reticule with the pointer end of the wiimote.

What I could maybe see them doing with Natal, if it's as precise as they say, is making it so that you move with a controller (or on rails for some games) but small head movements from you would translate to moving a reticule or something on screen. Maybe something like this - scroll down to where it says Head Tracking.

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Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
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No, head controlling the camera doesn't work, it's been tried many times before. If you turn your head to turn the camera, you're also turning your view away from the television.

The idea is more your head controlling the aiming reticule!

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Re: Re: Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
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Quote by Mudkip:

That's just the problem though, bringing motion controls to the "hard core" audience when motion controls themselves are a "casual gamer" gimmick. How are they going to change or improve anything that the Wii has done? By making a Gears or Halo game where you need to buy a light gun peripheral to play, oh Wii already has on rail shooting games. Maybe they'll do casual sports games, whoops again I forgot about Wii Sports. All in all this isn't an original idea and MS has nothing new that they can add to motion controls that hasn't been done before, sure they may do it a little bit better but it's still a waste of money.

What I'm saying is that I already own a 360. If I had a Wii, I would still own a 360 as well. Natal will most likely cost less than a Wii. Win for me as a person who wants what a Wii has to offer, but doesn't want to buy a Wii.

If I want to play a motion controlled boxing game, I would rather have one powered by the 360's processors than a crappy cartoon looking Wii game. Even if it simply rips off the Wii shamelessly, I will pay less for something that looks better, just for one. Wii Boxing vs. 360 Boxing with the graphics engine from, say Fight Night? No brainer as far as I'm concerned.

So if it is simply a total facsimile of motion control from the Wii, the only thing I miss out on is Mario games. I'm fine with that as I am no longer 10 years old.

What I keep hearing from you, Mr. Mayhem88, is that you just generally dislike motion control altogether, be it Wii, or be it any other incarnation thereof. So, for those of us who still have fun with the "gimmick" of the Wii, and are interested, and even excited in the possibilities that Natal can bring to our beloved 360, we shall have to agree to disagree.

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Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
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Yeah, I loled when I was writing it! :p
Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
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I could give two shits & a fuck for this whole idea. I play video games for relaxation. I love nothing more than to just chill and stretch out on the sofa when gaming, even when playing guitar on the various RB games. If I want a work out, I'll take my fat ass to the gym (which I actually have for a couple months now). :D

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Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
Burnt Waffle
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It Natal gonna be an add-on peripheral like the vision cam or am gonna need a whole new xbox?

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Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
Burnt Waffle
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sweet. i can afford an add-on but not a whole new console. plus if its an add-on ill be able to move it around much easier
Re: Project Natal: "To get, or not to get?" That is the question...
Burnt Waffle
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I just say skip. I enjoy my xbox 360 just the way it is.
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