Archived: Mamba Jr. is here...
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/21/10 5:20 pm | #61
Congratz man

Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/21/10 5:37 pm | #62
That's great to hear man. Jeez, he sure has some hair on his head!
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/21/10 6:33 pm | #65
aww hes adorable! haha
hope he does all right

Re: Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/21/10 7:12 pm | #66
Quote by Minioger:
Wow, I feel like such a heel, I totally missed this thread!
yeah same here!
congrats kent, and i hope everything works out for the best.
we'll be praying for you and your little guy.
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/25/10 11:11 am | #67
Update...He's Home!
We got discharged from the Hospital on Saturday night and made the drive home yesterday. He will have follow up appointments, etc but everything is going great right now. He is a loud breather, but that is to be expected. He should grow out of his breathing issues and lead a normal life.
There are always possibilities of complications since the doctor's said it was the worst reflux AND the worst Laryngomalacia they had ever seen in a newborn, but from what they saw during his week of recovery they think he will be just fine.
We're home, we're tired, and we're Very Very grateful.
Thanks guys for all your support!
We got discharged from the Hospital on Saturday night and made the drive home yesterday. He will have follow up appointments, etc but everything is going great right now. He is a loud breather, but that is to be expected. He should grow out of his breathing issues and lead a normal life.
There are always possibilities of complications since the doctor's said it was the worst reflux AND the worst Laryngomalacia they had ever seen in a newborn, but from what they saw during his week of recovery they think he will be just fine.
We're home, we're tired, and we're Very Very grateful.
Thanks guys for all your support!
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/25/10 11:42 am | #68
Hey fuck yeah thats sweat news!!! I bet this is way better then christmas!!!
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/25/10 10:06 pm | #69
Definitely beats Christmas
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/25/10 10:10 pm | #70
Sweet! That's great news!
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/25/10 11:26 pm | #71
very happy for you and your family man. that's awesome!

Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/26/10 3:10 am | #72
Happy to know that everything turned out well.
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/26/10 3:50 am | #73
Best wishes man! Keep us updated. New Year, new Mamba!
Re: Mamba Jr. is here...
01/26/10 1:15 pm | #74
"New Year, New Mamba" I like it...might just have to be my new XBL motto