Closed: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
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Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/18/10 5:30 pm | #91
I usually don't hit midnight launches, but for Halo, your damn right I'll be there with my lawn chair. And did you ever notice that out of any midnight releases, there is also some geek who brings a sword or a stick in resembalance of a sword?
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 10:41 pm | #92
Just pre-ordered it on the "free" game site I use. Gotta love the internet
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 10:48 pm | #93
I'm not

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 10:49 pm | #94
It's almost Sept. Just a bit longer. Took a week of vacation just so I can get some serious game time in. It's going to be sick.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 10:50 pm | #95
I am only really looking forward to it to play through the campaign once with my 3 ex-roommates and then maybe some Firefight.
When Halo 3 first came out I was all over the multiplayer but it lost its appeal pretty quick.
The co-op campaigning is always great though, it even made ODST fun.
When Halo 3 first came out I was all over the multiplayer but it lost its appeal pretty quick.
The co-op campaigning is always great though, it even made ODST fun.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 11:32 pm | #96
I love the multiplayer, thought it will be a major change up after playing so much MW2 and BFBC2 lately.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 11:38 pm | #97
Im not even close to be exited
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/21/10 11:41 pm | #98
Just got the new OXM and they say it's the Worst. Halo. Ever.
That's from some random dude
Unattributed Quote:
To say halo is the worst game ever released on 360 is a vast understatement. It's probably one of the worst video games EVER released period. Worse than Superman 64 and ET
That's from some random dude

Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 12:16 am | #99
Quote by Circus:
Just got the new OXM and they say it's the Worst. Halo. Ever.
That's from some random dude
Unattributed Quote:
To say halo is the worst game ever released on 360 is a vast understatement. It's probably one of the worst video games EVER released period. Worse than Superman 64 and ET
That's from some random dude

That has to be impossibe. All the money that went into that game. Not to mention Bungie doens't put out crap.
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 12:20 am | #100
Quote by Circus:
Unattributed Quote:
To say halo is the worst game ever released on 360 is a vast understatement. It's probably one of the worst video games EVER released period. Worse than Superman 64 and ET
That's from some random dude
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 12:43 am | #101
lol glad Meta caught the sarcasm/joke

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 12:49 am | #102
Im about as excited as a fat kid at weightloss camp
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 1:44 am | #103
I'm excited about it, it's the first Halo game I ever pre-ordered.
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 8:12 am | #104
Quote by EliteR80:
Im not even close to be exited
I can tell that you get exited about a lot of things.
Re: Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/22/10 8:56 am | #105
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by EliteR80:
Im not even close to be exited
I can tell that you get exited about a lot of things.