Closed: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
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Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 2:32 am | #47
Extremely excited lol
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 2:49 am | #48
i dont understand how people can spend 140 dollars on ONE game.......
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:01 am | #49
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
i dont understand how people can spend 140 dollars on ONE game.......
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:10 am | #51
I dont care what anyones says
for me 150$ is worth it for me. If its anything like Halo 3 was to me I'll be playing it till Bungie's new I.P. comes out.

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:11 am | #52

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:18 am | #53
Not everyone when I first got LIVE someone thought my tag was about the Perfect Dark series.
Off topic, but i'm excited for Two Worlds 2, looks so much better then the first.
Also i'll check out asup3rninja's clan.
Off topic, but i'm excited for Two Worlds 2, looks so much better then the first.
Also i'll check out asup3rninja's clan.
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:21 am | #55
Quote by ForeverDarkHalo:
Also i'll check out asup3rninja's clan.

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 3:23 am | #56
Oh.....LOL I know who your talking about now I remember looking at that thread.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 4:07 am | #57
I could care less if it came out or not, by that I'm not saying I thought it was a bad game, I did actually enjoy it at one time, the reason I say I could care less is because my girlfriend's son used to play Halo 3 from the time he woke up until midnight when his mom went to bed and I told him to get off so I could play, I ended getting so sick of just listening to it
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 4:17 am | #58
Well at this point in time I'm even more excited. I'm building a house... THATS HOW MANY BRICKS I AM SHITTING.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 4:36 am | #59
Not excited at all.. i think i am spending my money on gas for my truck or mafia 2
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/12/10 4:45 am | #60
Crusty's the middle of the street. Crusty's house.
I still need to try out the Mafia 2 demo sometime this morning.