Closed: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
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Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/24/10 5:49 pm | #151
The pre-order sales say it all. More copies of Reach have been pre-ordered than Call of Duty.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/24/10 7:42 pm | #153
It's all over the internet. Google it. It shows it's the number one pre-order at Gamestop, Walmart, Amazon and etc.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 8:01 am | #154
You also have to realize that Halo Reach is only 2 weeks away and Call of Duty Black Ops is over 2 months away. People who are getting Halo Reach have already pre-ordered it....people who are getting black ops haven't felt the necessity yet and can still wait on more deals.
As for Halo Reach...I've played through the first 2 missions in campaign. I'm hoping it's just setting up the story still because it's pretty slow, but classic halo.
As for Halo Reach...I've played through the first 2 missions in campaign. I'm hoping it's just setting up the story still because it's pretty slow, but classic halo.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 11:19 am | #155

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 11:24 am | #156
After the H3 beta I was giddy with anticipation and release day couldn't come fast enough, but my excitement for Reach is only about 1/10 as high. I'm excited for coop and firefight but all of the unnecessary crap they added to mp (I'm looking at you Armor Lock and Jetpacks) killed the multi-player for me. It sucks that everything else about the beta seemed nearly perfect to me and tacked-on, gimicky crap ruins it.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 2:46 pm | #157
Not all that excited, wasn't really even planning on getting Reach until I saw the forge trailer, Which was enough for me to want it. The firefight and other modes look cool now that ive seen em though.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 3:03 pm | #158
Not at all.
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 3:14 pm | #159
Quote by Grenade Rising:
Not at all.
What he said.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 3:27 pm | #160
After seeing the Black Ops MP stuff.... Halo died a lil inside of me
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 4:10 pm | #161
I'm very excited
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
09/02/10 6:17 pm | #162
Quote by Super Hyper X:
How excited am I about Halo Reach? I don't know, FPS games are so 90's. I can't even remember the last time I played one which I bet was 2 months ago. I don't even take advantage of my 12 month gold membership that often. I'm more into something new and original, not playing the same stuff over and over.