Re: Having to pay for extras and DLC for achievements
08/08/13 8:07 am | #21
The one thing I do like about some DLC is that a higher percentage of it goes directly to the game developers instead of the publishers or Microsoft. This helps a lot in keeping a studio afloat between major releases and each successful package greases the wheels for the next one to come through.
DLC/episodic content helps to alleviate some of the poorly-paced clusterfuck that is game development. Many times a publisher will give a studio a bunch of money all at once and say "have this game done by X date in X year." and when that time comes, the game has to release, even if it's shitty or still filled with bugs.
At that end of cycle, everyone in the studio is getting burnt out because they've been doing massive overtime, or "crunch time" as it's called in the industry, so little things are let slip either due to time or priority. The money is usually dried up at this point so even if the publisher wasn't breathing down their neck, the studio would have to release anyway just to get some funds back in the system and pay the coders, artists, producers and etc.
Yes, a ton of "DLC" is actually content made or started during regular development and delivered in trickles after the fact, or set up as "wow! day 1 DLC!!" but it really can reflect a better overall game for us because the studio can distribute its resources better.
Of course there are also shitty over-bloated studios that already have too much money anyway and just lock-up game features to nickel & dime us coughCRAPCOMcoughEAcough