Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Meta:
Agreed. This is like kissing and signing the front of a bulldozer before deconstructing something.
If anything, the parties liable for Aliens CM should have put in some 1-time use code for retail purchasers which would give them the DLC for free or at least way way reduced pricing.
It's sofa king terrible that the game made money at all while other studios/developers are struggling to make ends meet and they have a game/project that is 100% functional and reasonably bug-free.
I still have a hard time with the fact that the same company who gave us Borderlands 1 + 2 are the same people that gave us Aliens vs Colonial Marines.

They were obviously stoned and drunk off their asses while developing the game. Probably watching the Alien movie in the same process.
I vaguely enjoyed it but seriously ashamed of my self for buying the Collector's Edition day one.
A lesson learned everyday.