Archived: Game of Thrones
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Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Probably because they see how successful it is for GOT. If people had reacted negatively, it would probably have been better. :/
Quote by Kat:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Probably because they see how successful it is for GOT. If people had reacted negatively, it would probably have been better. :/
I went in watching this season without any knowledge of how many episodes were in this season. I did the whole head scratch thing when after watching an episode and the preview for the next came on stating that in the final two episodes before the season finale, this would happen. It's already over? It just started. WTF. The only other television series that I am aware of that has done that, was South Park. Matt and Trey wanted to concentrate on there Broadway show, The Book of Mormon. Reading on the internet, a lot of shows are going to start going that way due to costs of making an episode and a way for them to make more money. Greedy bastards.
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
Probably because they see how successful it is for GOT. If people had reacted negatively, it would probably have been better. :/
I went in watching this season without any knowledge of how many episodes were in this season. I did the whole head scratch thing when after watching an episode and the preview for the next came on stating that in the final two episodes before the season finale, this would happen. It's already over? It just started. WTF. The only other television series that I am aware of that has done that, was South Park. Matt and Trey wanted to concentrate on there Broadway show, The Book of Mormon. Reading on the internet, a lot of shows are going to start going that way due to costs of making an episode and a way for them to make more money. Greedy bastards.
A lot of the shows I watch now are 10 episode seasons, and it always basically sucks, but I think it's worse with GOT because there's massive amounts of material there. They could do 50 hours of TV for each book and still have to leave stuff out. This season really felt oddly paced- episodes where nothing really happened and no stories progressed, followed by episodes where everything was crammed into too short of a time. The last few episodes of season 5 probably could have had a season done for each of them.
Quote by Kat:
And I really want to know what is going on in that tower.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
And I really want to know what is going on in that tower.
I bet it's a Targaryen rape-fest due to the "Mad King" and we'll see how Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister got his reputation.
+edit+ I posted that from console so speling and grammer and lore not good.
The "mad king" Aerys II was known for gratuitous violence and way back when Jaime and Brienne (of Tarth) had hot spa time together this was mentioned.
I really like what's happening with Melisandre and Ser Davos.
Also Brienne has a great butt

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
And I really want to know what is going on in that tower.
You should look up R+L=J on Youtube. I am super excited about this prediction looking more and more like a reality.
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
And I really want to know what is going on in that tower.
I bet it's a Targaryen rape-fest due to the "Mad King" and we'll see how Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister got his reputation.
+edit+ I posted that from console so speling and grammer and lore not good.
The "mad king" Aerys II was known for gratuitous violence and way back when Jaime and Brienne (of Tarth) had hot spa time together this was mentioned.
I really like what's happening with Melisandre and Ser Davos.
Also Brienne has a great butt

If you remember, Ned asked "where's my sister?" and we saw her in the Winterfell memory.
I think we're going to see her death and Jon's birth.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
And I really want to know what is going on in that tower.
You should look up R+L=J on Youtube. I am super excited about this prediction looking more and more like a reality.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
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