Archived: Game of Thrones
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Quote by Meta:
no she's mine!
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Meta:
no she's mine!
We can all share

Quote by Clap That Fool:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
no she's mine!
We can all share

So does that make you all her brother-husbands? Reverse polygamy?

Quote by Clap That Fool:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
no she's mine!
We can all share

I refuse to share at all.

Always wondered why they call him Littlefinger.

Quote by Clap That Fool:
She's going to be a force when she attacks. She'll probably go get Dragonstone back from Stannis. And stage her attack on Westros from there
Quote by AJ:
Where the fuck are you at? If you're referring to the current season, you're on crack.
The last two episodes have been two of the best.
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by AJ:
Where the fuck are you at? If you're referring to the current season, you're on crack.
The last two episodes have been two of the best.
AJ lol! I think you just likes to bash things. You're grumpy cat in human form.
But thats good to hear about the last two episodes. I recently moved to my dads house back on the 20th which was a Saturday and I missed the episode for that next day. Then I finally didnt get cable and internet until this past Saturday. So now I got both recorded and im just waiting for an off day to sit back and watch!

Still reading the books as well and they are still awesome... obviously. Almost done with book 1.
were seeing Khaleesi's dragons for 20 seconds and dog wreck that guy in a minute or so... Fucking boring.
Quote by AJ:
were seeing Khaleesi's dragons for 20 seconds and dog wreck that guy in a minute or so... Fucking boring.
If you're only watching this show for that, you might as well quit now and jerk off to Walking Dead reruns. There's soooo much more going on in show, so many other story lines to cover. We'll prolly only see the White Walkers maybe once more this season and then not again for the foreseeable future of the show. Martin has yet to focus on them again up to the most recent novel. They'll obviously be a major part of the story but I don't think we'll see them until the "final battle". Get used to a lot of Dany, Tyrion and Arya as they're the three most prominent characters.
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