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Archived: Game of Thrones
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Re: Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 4:17 pm | #166
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by AJ:
The best of what? The best talking sequences of season 3?
Bring on the undead/zombies and shit. The most exciting thing that happened in the last 2 shows...
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerwere seeing Khaleesi's dragons for 20 seconds and dog wreck that guy in a minute or so... Fucking boring.
If you're only watching this show for that, you might as well quit now and jerk off to Walking Dead reruns. There's soooo much more going on in show, so many other story lines to cover. We'll prolly only see the White Walkers maybe once more this season and then not again for the foreseeable future of the show. Martin has yet to focus on them again up to the most recent novel. They'll obviously be a major part of the story but I don't think we'll see them until the "final battle". Get used to a lot of Dany, Tyrion and Arya as they're the three most prominent characters.
they are also the best characters
Re: Re: Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 8:09 pm | #167
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by IRiSH:
If you're only watching this show for that, you might as well quit now and jerk off to Walking Dead reruns. There's soooo much more going on in show, so many other story lines to cover. We'll prolly only see the White Walkers maybe once more this season and then not again for the foreseeable future of the show. Martin has yet to focus on them again up to the most recent novel. They'll obviously be a major part of the story but I don't think we'll see them until the "final battle". Get used to a lot of Dany, Tyrion and Arya as they're the three most prominent characters.
they are also the best characters
Still waiting for the Jaquen/Arya romance. <3<3<3
"A man has needs...."
Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 9:01 pm | #168
Booooorrrriiinnngggg. Walking dead also sucks, as I previously mentioned. Nothing will compare to LOST. Shit, Hemlock Grove was better than the first 3 seasons of GoT combined.
Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 9:19 pm | #169
Quote by AJ:
Booooorrrriiinnngggg. Walking dead also sucks, as I previously mentioned. Nothing will compare to LOST. Shit, Hemlock Grove was better than the first 3 seasons of GoT combined.
LOST was amazing till the end.
Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 9:44 pm | #170
Doesn't even matter about the end. The best part was getting there.
Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/01/13 9:50 pm | #171
Quote by AJ:
Doesn't even matter about the end. The best part was getting there.
Very true.
Re: Game of Thrones
05/05/13 11:16 pm | #172
Tonight's episode was extremely dull
Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/05/13 11:25 pm | #173
Quote by Clap That Fool:
Tonight's episode was extremely dull
That's what I've been saying about the last month's worth of episodes... Guess I won't be watching it! Thanks for the heads up.
Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 1:14 am | #174
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerWhere the hell have the white walkers been? And where did the two guys disappear to at the end panorama shot in tonight's episode?
Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 1:55 am | #175
Quote by Circus:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerWhere the hell have the white walkers been? And where did the two guys disappear to at the end panorama shot in tonight's episode?
I refer you to my reply to AJ's post from the other day. I'll admit tonight's was a little on the dull side but you can't have all rock without a little roll. I've thoroughly enjoyed this season so far and I'm so glad that they're taking two seasons to cover the third book. They don't need to rush everything like they did last season. I personally can't wait to see how pissed off people who haven't read the books will be at the end of this season. That is, if it ends right where I think it will.
Re: Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 3:18 am | #176
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Circus:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerWhere the hell have the white walkers been? And where did the two guys disappear to at the end panorama shot in tonight's episode?
I refer you to my reply to AJ's post from the other day. I'll admit tonight's was a little on the dull side but you can't have all rock without a little roll. I've thoroughly enjoyed this season so far and I'm so glad that they're taking two seasons to cover the third book. They don't need to rush everything like they did last season. I personally can't wait to see how pissed off people who haven't read the books will be at the end of this season. That is, if it ends right where I think it will.
I saw your reply after I posted mine, so how far behind is the show from the books right now? Not very I take it?
Re: Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 9:25 am | #177
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Circus:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerWhere the hell have the white walkers been? And where did the two guys disappear to at the end panorama shot in tonight's episode?
I refer you to my reply to AJ's post from the other day. I'll admit tonight's was a little on the dull side but you can't have all rock without a little roll. I've thoroughly enjoyed this season so far and I'm so glad that they're taking two seasons to cover the third book. They don't need to rush everything like they did last season. I personally can't wait to see how pissed off people who haven't read the books will be at the end of this season. That is, if it ends right where I think it will.
This. I can't wait to see how they translate that particular scene.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 10:11 am | #178
Quote by Circus:
Quote by IRiSH:
I refer you to my reply to AJ's post from the other day. I'll admit tonight's was a little on the dull side but you can't have all rock without a little roll. I've thoroughly enjoyed this season so far and I'm so glad that they're taking two seasons to cover the third book. They don't need to rush everything like they did last season. I personally can't wait to see how pissed off people who haven't read the books will be at the end of this season. That is, if it ends right where I think it will.
I saw your reply after I posted mine, so how far behind is the show from the books right now? Not very I take it?
Currently 5 books have been completed in the series.
I don't have HBO, so I have a ton of fun at work speaking with guys who watch but haven't read the series. I don't spoil anything for them, but they sure like to guess what they think will happen.
Re: Game of Thrones
05/06/13 11:51 pm | #179
Re: Game of Thrones
05/14/13 2:15 am | #180
Exclusive footage from the nanny cam hidden in Meta's bedroom. 
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