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Archived: Favorite Snack While Gaming
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 6:09 pm | #16
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Detroit:
Yes! I do this too! And people called me crazy...
No, you're a smart man.
I also every so often clean my controllers, toothpicks for the crevices, and then use alcohol wipes to clean them off.
On topic, my favorite snack while gaming would be mello yello and some coconut M&Ms. No I don't know why, its just delicious (like Mr Pibb and red vines).
Now, I won't go as far as Mini with alcohol wipes + toothpicks, but I do wipe them down from time to time and I always wash my hands before I pick them up after I eat. Unfortunately, my kids don't see it the same way....
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 6:13 pm | #17
My controller that I currently use is about 2 years old so I don't really care if I'm eating and get some grease on it. I do clean out the little creases the odd time but for the most part I don't really care. (unless it's something really greasy, then I wipe my hands off)
OT: My favorite snack is probably Iced Tea or Dr. Pepper for a drink and mini Ritz bits sandwiches or Nibs for food.
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 6:37 pm | #18
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 8:58 pm | #19
Jelly Beans. And a nearby trash can to spit out any unpleasant flavors that may sneak past my detection system.
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 9:20 pm | #20
I love to eat while I game. I'm talking 7 course meals. But if I need something quick, mint oreos are my go-to.
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 9:35 pm | #21
Mint oreos sound delicious
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 9:35 pm | #22
Re: Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 9:51 pm | #23
Quote by LilCuyler:
Jelly Beans. And a nearby trash can to spit out any unpleasant flavors that may sneak past my detection system.
So, you're a spitter? Interesting, lol.
I usually keep a bottled water with a flavor packet in it, and sometimes a granola bar or a string cheese, you know, small stuff that's not messy.
Re: Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 10:29 pm | #24
Quote by DeWayne:
Jelly Bellys?
Well, I used to be strictly Jelly Belly- but kids gave me some Gimbal's brand and they're my new favorite.
And yes, I am a spitter... I was going to make a joke about my preferences in jelly bean colors, but it is probably in bad taste (puns intended).
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/02/12 10:56 pm | #25
I always get hooked on jelly beans this time of year as the local Drug Mart always stocks up on mad jelly beans for Easter. A few of my favorite kinds are the Mike & Ike, Sour Patch, Hawaiian Punch and Life Savor brands.
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/03/12 2:30 am | #26
I only eat when watching Netflix, so if I'm hungry I'll switch to Netflix lol.
nachos are delicious mmm.
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/03/12 3:20 am | #27
Jerky is my food of choice while game,really been enjoying the turkey jerky i have been eating recently
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/03/12 3:46 am | #28
My gamer fuel is:
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/03/12 5:44 am | #29
Re: Favorite Snack While Gaming
04/03/12 6:56 am | #30
All great snacks. Now I am getting hungry
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