Fallout 4... Real or Myth?
The website http://thesurvivor2299.com has popped up, registered to Zenimax, the parent company for Bethesda, and brings more questions than it delivers answers for. The page is just a countdown timer- counting down until December 11, 2013. While this seems like a possible teaser for a game reveal, IGN (the most reputable news source for gamers) has questioned its validity. Apparently, there are inconsistencies between the way this site was hosted and the DNS servers of the survivor 2299 page and Zenimax's usual game sites. And, of course, no one at Bethesda is talking. They also have not put out any press releases regarding this site or the possibility of Fallout 4 at all. Ever.
So whether this is legitimate progress for fans or an elaborate hoax is unknown, but it appears we will find out in less than a month. If anything changes between now and December 11, the news slaves here at XBA will keep you updated.

Thanks go to Mudkip for the tip... And just the tip.

UPDATE- 1/11/14: Another day, another Fallout 4 hoax!
Boo- these people obviously have way too much time on their hands.
It's worth noting that a script from a fo4 casting call has been validated... at least there is some hope.