Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!

First, I'd like to start off with an apology. This is something I have been planning to do since late May, but between my own hectic (no, not this Hektic- we're JUST FRIENDS!) summer and the fact that the rest of the staff has been just as busy, the summer has just gotten away.
While browsing through the forum, I found a thread from 2008 about a summer tournament series. It sounded like just what the site has been looking for, and I decided that I was going to make it happen this summer. While I originally planned on a 6 week long tournament with 6 different genres, now that the summer is winding down I've had to trim it down to 4 weeks.
What is a summer throwback tournament, you ask? Well, it's 4 different games on 4 different weeks, competing for prizes and fame and fun. Seriously. I can't guarantee you'll have fun, but the winners will definitely get the other 2.
Before we get to the prizes, and how it's going to work, let's talk about the schedule. To keep with the throwback theme, we've chosen some old school games across a few different genres. If you don't already have one of the games (and chances are you have them!) you'll be able to easily pick them up cheap or used (with plenty of time to return it for your money back!

Without further ado, I present to you the schedule for the 2012 summer tournament series!
Aug 4: Halo 3
Aug 11: Super Streetfighter IV
Aug 18: Gears of War
August 25: Rock Band 2
(All matches start at 9 PM EDT)
See a game you like up there? Hopefully, because here's what you'll be playing for!
Depending on how the game is judged, (points, kills, etc) a first place, second place and third place winner will be decided. First place is awarded 4 points, 2nd place gets 3 points and 3rd place gets 2 points. All participants get one point just for playing! Each Saturday, each first place winner wins an 800 MSP card, and at the end of the 4 weeks, the player with the most points wins... AN AWARD! That's right- a site award, made by our own GFX phenom, Revelation1318!!! This will be a very rare award, since only one person will win it, so make sure you play every week- even if you're not the best at a certain genre!
While point cards and site awards are great, you might be wondering what the point is of giving all participants points. Well, every 2 points you earn will enter your name once in the grand prize drawing that will take place on September 1st. So far we've had quite a few donated prizes, from games, to 12 month gold subscriptions, to 4000 microsoft point cards, and a custom Xbox America console made by XBA's very own Evol!! Hopefully, prize donations will continue to come in (hint hint- if you have a special talent, share it with the site!!!) as the month goes on, and the bigger the pot gets, the better your chances are to win! Best yet, everyone who just shows up to play every week will automatically get 2 entries thrown into the (literal) hat!
All members of XBA are welcome! There is not a requirement for an amount of posts- however, in keeping with the spirit of community that we're trying to cultivate, members with under 25 posts need to have an introduction post. We want to know who we're playing with! The rules for each week will be posted in a discussion thread in the tournament section of the forums, and an event will be created. Please join the event to give us a rough head count! Depending on how many people join and how many staff members can make it, we may need volunteers to host matches. We can go into more detail about that in the threads each week, as each game will have different needs.
So I think that pretty much covers it! Look for the first tournament rules thread and event to be created this coming Saturday! If you have any questions, please let me know!

BlackholeFTW- 11 points
Junior- 9 points
Shadowmachine- 8 points
Meta- 7 points
FuzzyRoxas- 6 points
Repoman360- 5 points
Minioger- 4 points
Majority Ru1e- 4 points
TK Chillin- 4 points
Beaverhunter- 4 points
Pureevil- 4 points
Daniel- 4 points
BeautyJustified- 4 points
Maglite 420- 3 points
BigP- 2 points
Theevol1- 2 points
Unnamed saint- 1 point