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Archived: Article Discussion: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
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Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 2:07 am | #46
Congrats to blackhole on winning the points leaderboard. I'm lucky I'm in second considering I only played 2 of the 4 weeks. But I look forward to seeing the new award you get man!
Wish there was a runnerup reward lol.
Good luck to everyone when the drawing happens.
Re: Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 2:22 am | #47
Quote by Junior:
Congrats to blackhole on winning the points leaderboard. I'm lucky I'm in second considering I only played 2 of the 4 weeks. But I look forward to seeing the new award you get man!
Wish there was a runnerup reward lol.
Good luck to everyone when the drawing happens.

It'll look like this, but smaller!
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 3:32 am | #48
Thanks again Kat for taking the time to do all the pain in the butt stuff involved with running this thing & Mr. Evol for making me a sweet new xbox! It was a good time playing with some different people, hope to play with everyone again sometime.
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 4:02 am | #49
Thanks for hosting again Kat, I can't believe I won considering I suck at 3 out of the 4 games choosen. Maybe next time we will do some games I'm good at
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 5:53 am | #50
I think Blackhole cheated some how. He needs to provide pics that it was him actually playing and that he didn't hire a stand in.
Congratulations Blackhole on the win.
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 6:08 am | #51
Damn he figured me out
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 8:45 am | #52
Congratulations BlackHole!
Re: Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 9:55 am | #53
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
Damn he figured me out

Be very fucking careful, "friend."
If ye were caught taking advantage of our benevolent community, thou shalt be smited with quite fucking furious wrath.
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 4:07 pm | #54
Well I did it all myself you all
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 4:35 pm | #55
Re: Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 5:59 pm | #57
Quote by BIGP 6:
Congrats Bhole
Re: Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 6:06 pm | #58
Re: Announcing the 2012 XBA Throwback Summer Tournament Series!
09/02/12 10:10 pm | #60
When do you think you will be doing it Kat?
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