I was like 7. Best game ever
Archived: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
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Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
12/30/09 12:30 pm | #106
Socom U.S Navy Seals for the Ps2
I was like 7. Best game ever
I was like 7. Best game ever
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
12/30/09 12:44 pm | #107
My step father always was keeping up with the "JONES"!
The first 1 I remember was the Magnavox Odyssey 100 in 1972 (I was 5 1/2) he won it in a Pool Tourney. Then Atari/Sears telegames Pong for Xmas '75
(I was 9 for those keeping score) My stepfather hated it.
Next was the Coleco Telstar '76 (Stepfather had a addictive personality ie: Drinking, Hustling Pool, Bowling, Baketball and now gaming.) Thanks for the gaming one! Then of course he bought everything Atari that came out. 2600 1st then 5200. I moved out in '83. (going on 17)
I bought my first NES in 1985/1986 The rest is as they say History from, Sega to Xbox, Nintendo to Sony, I have bought them all (except Virtual Boy).
My Favs Arcade games were Elevator Action, Pole Position, Donkey Kong 3, Q-Bert, Asteroids, Tempest, Missile Command, Any Mario Game & Cruising USA.
(sorry Durtie, I can be some what of a story teller as well)
The first 1 I remember was the Magnavox Odyssey 100 in 1972 (I was 5 1/2) he won it in a Pool Tourney. Then Atari/Sears telegames Pong for Xmas '75
(I was 9 for those keeping score) My stepfather hated it.
Next was the Coleco Telstar '76 (Stepfather had a addictive personality ie: Drinking, Hustling Pool, Bowling, Baketball and now gaming.) Thanks for the gaming one! Then of course he bought everything Atari that came out. 2600 1st then 5200. I moved out in '83. (going on 17)
I bought my first NES in 1985/1986 The rest is as they say History from, Sega to Xbox, Nintendo to Sony, I have bought them all (except Virtual Boy).
My Favs Arcade games were Elevator Action, Pole Position, Donkey Kong 3, Q-Bert, Asteroids, Tempest, Missile Command, Any Mario Game & Cruising USA.
(sorry Durtie, I can be some what of a story teller as well)
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/01/10 1:36 pm | #108
I started in 1990
When I turned 2 I picked up a NES Controller lol and tried to eat it
Ever since I loved Video Games and they are a big part of my life. I got addicted to RPGs since NES and Shooter since Xbox.
NES: Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy
SNES: Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Final Fantasy 3, Zelda, Secrect of Mana, Mario RPG.
N64: Mario, Golden Eye, Pokemon Snap (lol)
Playstation1: Star Ocean 2, Wild Arms, Final Fantasy 7, Breath of Fire 3.
Playstation2: Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 10.
GBA: Kingdom Hearts.
Xbox: Phantasy Star Online, Halo, Halo 2, Counter Strike.
Xbox 360: GH, Rockband, Gears of War1, Star Ocean 4, Borderlands, Fall out 3.
PC: Diablo, Diablo II, WoW.

NES: Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy
SNES: Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Final Fantasy 3, Zelda, Secrect of Mana, Mario RPG.
N64: Mario, Golden Eye, Pokemon Snap (lol)
Playstation1: Star Ocean 2, Wild Arms, Final Fantasy 7, Breath of Fire 3.
Playstation2: Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 10.
GBA: Kingdom Hearts.
Xbox: Phantasy Star Online, Halo, Halo 2, Counter Strike.
Xbox 360: GH, Rockband, Gears of War1, Star Ocean 4, Borderlands, Fall out 3.
PC: Diablo, Diablo II, WoW.
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/01/10 4:17 pm | #109
I know of a few other people that seem to really like that Pokemon Snap game. I never got to try it but it's neat, also kind of weird, how it has a bit of a cult following to it.
Re: Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/01/10 8:31 pm | #110
Quote by Meta:
I know of a few other people that seem to really like that Pokemon Snap game. I never got to try it but it's neat, also kind of weird, how it has a bit of a cult following to it.
pokemon snap was awesome

Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/01/10 8:40 pm | #111
Well lets see here as far as I remember I started with atari pole position was the shit, from there my addiction pretty much took off I still have an atari right now and pretty much own every other console in between that and my precious(xbox 360). A few of my favorite games are Super Mario Kart on SNES, Area 51 on Sega Saturn (the reason I bought it), gta series I own them all, and a bunch more I could go on for days and days and days and days...
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/02/10 12:33 pm | #112
1994, when I finally decided to try my Dad's NES. I played Final Fantasy and Ghosts and Goblins
Then my mom bought me a gameboy pocket and the rest is history.
Then my mom bought me a gameboy pocket and the rest is history.
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/29/10 10:56 pm | #113
i had an atari when i was little, my favorite game was bezerk
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
01/30/10 2:27 am | #116

And yes, we had the Smurfs game. It was actually fun. Donkey Kong Jr and Time Pilot were my faves. I'm thinking about looking for one on ebay.
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
02/28/10 4:38 am | #117
Well one of my favorites is finally coming to XBLA..Perfect Dark...now let's see what's gonna happen with Killer Instinct!
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
02/28/10 4:24 pm | #118
I started out very little at about 4, with the sega, playing the classic sonic games. I believe I owned the super nintendo as well and played street fighter, super mario bros and super mario all stars later, and FF MYSTIC QUEST. I rocked the sh*t out of that game.
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
02/28/10 5:33 pm | #119
My earliest video game memory goes back to when I played Mortal Kombat 3. Ha ha, I was like six and it was a mature video game!
Re: Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
02/28/10 8:10 pm | #120
Quote by Super Hyper X:
My earliest video game memory goes back to when I played Mortal Kombat 3. Ha ha, I was like six and it was a mature video game!
Which makes me feel old because I

I started gaming on my cousin's Atari - he had all three. I remember playing games like HERO and Pitfall and several others. The first video game system I ever owned was the NES and we had the Super Mario/Duck Hunt combo.