Archived: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
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Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/14/09 4:51 pm | #76
I started when I was 12 and during that time, James Bond goldend eye on 64 was big with my friends. Since then, I've been playing games when I get a chance. Some of my favorites are: Halo 3, Ace combat 6, Call of duty 4 modern warfare, Battlefront 2, Project Snow Blind, Knight of the Old Republic.
Re: Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/16/09 5:35 pm | #77
Quote by Snakeeyes4545:
I started when I was 12 and during that time, James Bond goldend eye on 64 was big with my friends. Since then, I've been playing games when I get a chance. Some of my favorites are: Halo 3, Ace combat 6, Call of duty 4 modern warfare, Battlefront 2, Project Snow Blind, Knight of the Old Republic.

Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/16/09 5:50 pm | #78
3 years old....Super Mario Bros on the NES...
21 Years later... Still bad ass at Super Mario Bros on the DS lol
21 Years later... Still bad ass at Super Mario Bros on the DS lol
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/16/09 7:05 pm | #80
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/17/09 8:28 pm | #82
oooooooooohhhh!!! just like the king of kong! exciting!
PLEASE post a link when you do this. never heard of the game but i'd enjoy watching that.
PLEASE post a link when you do this. never heard of the game but i'd enjoy watching that.
Re: Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/18/09 7:58 pm | #85
Quote by sprinter461:
Interesting knews yesterday from the doc producers... Apparently they acquired the footage from the game that broke my long standing record in February... We've been wondering how the guy was able to break my record, and do it in almost 8 hours less time... After doing side by side analysis of his footage and mine from when we played head to head in January at MAGFest, my footage from my Easter attempt, and his record run in February... It's been determined there is a issue with the board he used for his record run. Something sped up the game play. He was able to start moving 1-2 seconds faster than me on every board. 1-2 seconds not much right? Per board, and we clear 2 or 3 boards per minute, over 40+ hours normally... So that gave him a HUGE advantage. I played 4 1/2 hours LONGER than he did, and only had 945 million, compared to his Billion+... In his own words, "something is definitely wrong with my board". He's going to request his record be removed from Twin Galaxies Scoreboard... I appreciate the gesture, and would be happy to have my record back, so regardless I'm sticking to my plan... 9-5-09 I'm taking matters into my own hands and taking MY record back on my own. I'll be streaming live on the web like over Easter... so I'll be sure to post a link here if anybody is interested in watching...
What game r u talking about!?

Re: Re: Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/19/09 3:50 pm | #86
Quote by sprinter461:
Quote by Noah 9000:
oooooooooohhhh!!! just like the king of kong! exciting!
PLEASE post a link when you do this. never heard of the game but i'd enjoy watching that.
PLEASE post a link when you do this. never heard of the game but i'd enjoy watching that.
If the Nibbler documentary turns out anything like The King of Kong, somebody is gonna get hurt! KoK was far more fiction than truth. That would of been OK had it been a movie, but it was *supposed* to have been a documentary... It wasn't. I'm friends with a lot of people that were in KoK and have had enough first hand accounts from people that were actually there at Funspot and that Guinness Competition in Florida that have told me what was shown was FAR different that what actually occurred... VERY creative editing on that *movie*...
If you want to see a good gaming documentray, check out Chasing Ghosts or Frag, both are VASTLY superior to KoK. Chasing Ghosts is about the Life Magazine photo shoot at Twin Galaxies in 1982 I think it was... and where are they now with all the participants... Frag is about modern professional gaming, more PC oriented, but it has some historical arcade footage as well... Both were very good. And on a smaller scale, check High Score. It's a documentary about Bill Carlton's quest to break the marathon record for Missile Command, I like it about the best of the bunch because of how it was presented...
aaahhh man... sucks that the KoK is a lie.

it's really awesome that you have a lot of friends that were in it though.
i'll check out those movies for sure.
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/19/09 4:45 pm | #87
atari 2600 combat
Re: When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites
08/19/09 6:26 pm | #89
i dabbled in the NES with games like metal gear and dirt bike racer. but i didnt hit my stride until SNES with super mario bros. x-men, hook, and zombies ate my neighbors.