for my birthday/Christmas present. I get my permit in January so its a nice gift. New '08 Silverado, 3 months of XM Radio, a year of OnStar, and I just have to pay insurance and gas, obviously but I'm gonna give them something on it, I just need to save. Here's some more pics
And now for a copy 'n' paste from a Myspace message about it:
Shit dude, yesterday I was out lookin' at trucks from 9AM-10PM. First place we went to had a gray 2006 F-150 for $9800, we were gonna get it but the warranty runs out in 3 days. So we passed on that, and went lookin around but didn't find anything, and my grandpa got tired and went home to call people. Up in Cincinnati they had two brand new 08 Silverados left, valued at $24,000 they were gonna let go for $13,773 including tax, title, all that shit. One sold before we got there, and we wrote out the check, signed the papers, and then they sold it to someone else right out from under us... But we called up this one that's close to home and they had a few of 'em left so we went and my grandparents bought me a new, black Sliverado. Its got XM radio too.