Archived: Stupid reputation
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Re: Stupid reputation
07/27/08 2:01 pm | #46
well my rep sucks ever since i played GoW it dropped it was at 9% perfered or did not submit and 91% avoided but it is slowly recovering to 31% perfered and 69% avoided
Re: Stupid reputation
04/16/09 2:48 pm | #50
Since the dashboard update can you still check your rep? I just did a quick check and couldn't find where to check the percentages.
Re: Stupid reputation
04/16/09 3:22 pm | #52
there is still a way ralph. i can't remember exactly how to do it though.
sign in and push the guide button. it's there somewhere.
anyway, i'm 52% preferred and 48% avoided i think.
34% or so unsporting, 17% quit early. (which is funny... cuz i've hardly ever quit early)
all of this from the great, mature community of gears of war.
sign in and push the guide button. it's there somewhere.
anyway, i'm 52% preferred and 48% avoided i think.
34% or so unsporting, 17% quit early. (which is funny... cuz i've hardly ever quit early)
all of this from the great, mature community of gears of war.
Re: Stupid reputation
04/16/09 4:46 pm | #53
Lots of people avoided me in Madden 09 because i destroyed them in online games (no glitching) i found it really funny, and just did the same to them, and put "lacking skill" as the reason

Re: Stupid reputation
04/16/09 8:17 pm | #54
44 prefered 56 avoided.
Mainly from Gears of War 1, from people that I 2-pieced or active downed with the snipe. What little bitches.
Mainly from Gears of War 1, from people that I 2-pieced or active downed with the snipe. What little bitches.
Re: Stupid reputation
04/17/09 3:02 am | #57
Whee mine's 97% preferred or nothing and I still have that damned 3% which is for "Unsporting".
It was the very first night/morning I was playing on Live, also first time playing Gears of War online. I was the last guy on my team but I managed to melee/chainsaw 3 enemies in quick succession to win the match so I yelled, "Nothin' like a little saw action in the AM, eh boys?!" into the mic and got Unsporting feedback for it
Anyway, after NXE I went through my FL again and preferred everyone.
It was the very first night/morning I was playing on Live, also first time playing Gears of War online. I was the last guy on my team but I managed to melee/chainsaw 3 enemies in quick succession to win the match so I yelled, "Nothin' like a little saw action in the AM, eh boys?!" into the mic and got Unsporting feedback for it

Anyway, after NXE I went through my FL again and preferred everyone.
Re: Stupid reputation
04/17/09 3:14 am | #58
ralph, go over to settings and profile. you should see view rep in there
Mine was almost perfect about two months ago and then I started playing Halo3 all the time again now it's:
75% preferred or didn't submit a
25% avoided
33% trashtalk and 33% aggressive
Sore losers, the lot of 'em
Mine was almost perfect about two months ago and then I started playing Halo3 all the time again now it's:
75% preferred or didn't submit a
25% avoided
33% trashtalk and 33% aggressive
Sore losers, the lot of 'em
Re: Stupid reputation
04/17/09 11:33 am | #59
How do you even check these stats?
Re: Re: Stupid reputation
04/17/09 11:45 am | #60
Press the xbox guide button, go over to settings and profile. you should see view rep in there