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Epik Mithra

Personal Information
Join Date:Dec 26, 2008
BirthdayAugust 12th, 1986
Favorite GameLeft 4 Dead 2
Least Favorite GameLego Indiana Jones
Hardest AchievementGuardin' Gnome (Left 4 Dead 2)
Funniest AchievementStache Whacker (Left 4 Dead 2)
MSN Messenger:tvxq_soul0@hotmail.com
Interests:games, manga, books, music, arts & crafts, japanese, korean, languages, anime, astrology
Epik Mithra's Awards
360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
GamertagRabid Kashew
Epik Mithra's Shoutbox
BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Repo Man 360 - 13 years ago

Hey good to here from you! Can I be Froy :P How have you been?

Meta - 13 years ago

xD I see you've also joined the Minecraft Cult. That's ok, I still think you're awesome. Don't be a stranger! <3 <4

- 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Meta - 14 years ago

happy birthday!!

Repo Man 360 - 14 years ago

Been sneaking in from time to time. Nice to see you're still around. How have you been?

- 15 years ago

not bad i don't come here much either anymore

- 15 years ago

whats new

El Gallinero14 - 15 years ago

hola, speak spanish? anyways thats the only NFS game im missing, Undercover XD

El Gallinero14 - 15 years ago

hows NFS Undercover?

Noah 9000 - 15 years ago

we just started friday. we're almost done with the fist season. i don't like to advertise shit but it's very good! check it out if you have instant netflix!

Noah 9000 - 15 years ago

i wish you luck in completing the game. do you watch lost?

Noah 9000 - 15 years ago

jen doesn't remember you ever mentioning your new tag. she was actually just saying she missed seeing you around the boards. if you sent her a FR and she didn't accept it she didn't know it was you, believe me lol. i have one or two wisdom teeth coming in. so far they don't hurt... but they're growing in an odd direction... lol. you digging lfd2? i played the demo for the first one and didn't care for it. didn't really seem enjoyable without 4 player co op.

- 15 years ago

thanks :D

Noah 9000 - 15 years ago

waaazzzzzaaaaa! long time no talk. jen and i are fine. just working through the holidays you know lol. jen's GT is now Jennifer 9000 in case you were wondering. how've you been?

- 15 years ago

anyway have a good holiday :)

Mike93 - 15 years ago

I'd love to go and photograph the gators, they would look nice next to my wild black bear photos, lol. We're only staying a week and it's like there's so much to do and not enough time.

- 15 years ago

i try 2 talk to friends in games now

Mike93 - 15 years ago

Orlando, and maybe Tampa. I'm trying to talk 'em into going farther south to the Everglades but it isn't working, lol.

- 15 years ago

im trying to keep to myself lately, because if i do say one wrong this i get called out and of tired of it, if i could repair these friendships i would, but I can;t because they don't wanna talk so I just gave up

Mike93 - 15 years ago

Oh yeah, it definitely helps. Me and my family's going to Florida in a couple days so the time was great.

- 15 years ago

sorry about that, I still get shit here however i just block em I've been harassed on live from a few so I just blocked them on live to now

Mike93 - 15 years ago

Oh damn, that sucks. But yeah, I am. I actually got a job taking pictures of kids with Santa for the month, it's been good.

Mike93 - 15 years ago

Not too bad. Same shit, different day. How about you?

Mike93 - 15 years ago

Damn! Haven't seen you online in a while!

- 15 years ago

i think after the bs went i deleted alot of xba when shouldnt have, i was pissed and hurt i'll send ya a fr :D

- 15 years ago

im back lol

- 16 years ago

no prob lol

- 16 years ago

I dont know, we dont get along but yet you dont see me going aeound telling people he's a thief or gay or retarded :P