Today while off on my usual adventures on the net I discovered this article about how Harmonix is going to charge you to import songs from your old Rock Band to Rock Band 2. The explanation was that there were licensing fees involved resulting in a five-dollar being yanked from our pockets. While the fee wont result in me starving for a week or anything I still think its a bit ridiculous to charge you for something you already own. Thats like downloading a song from iTunes for 99 cents just to have them say you owe them another dollar for burning it onto a CD.
The article also goes on to mention that a few select songs will only be available for play on the new installment of Rock Band, which is an entirely separate disappointment altogether. The only good news I read was that all those songs that you accumulated by way of DLC are safe and will be available for play at no extra cost. The game is set to arrive September 14 and have 84 rocking songs to jam out on, so get those drumsticks ready, were going on tour.
Heres the 84 track list if you havent seen it already.. shacknews