Archived: Pres. Bush
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Do you support the War or Not?
06/02/08 2:28 pm | #121
Well even though its been addressed already. Yes I am in the military, so for most of my information I can actually talk to someone who deals with re enlisting. Oh not to mention that I DID talk to someone like I stated before when I was re enlisting during my tour in Iraq. Question, RH how long has it been since you were in the military anyway? You do realize that things change, right? We'd get paid less than we already do if there was no war right now.
Re: Pres. Bush
06/02/08 3:33 pm | #122
To answer your question I have dealt with a few Iraqi people that had to be threaten with a weapon to get them to simply work (which Im sure theyre getting paid plenty for) after taking a VERY long break. Not that I should lump the entire population with them because of that one bad experience but Ive already stated my thoughts on the whole subject...
In all of my experiences in the military, nothing has changed that. Ive yet to see an actual reason to stay in this "fight".
Quote by PSOLaguna:
Personally I think were wasting our time, money and lives.
In all of my experiences in the military, nothing has changed that. Ive yet to see an actual reason to stay in this "fight".
Re: Pres. Bush
01/19/09 10:19 pm | #124
Staying in Iraq is not such a bad idea. Better yet, I think a permanent military base would be suitable.
Re: Pres. Bush
01/19/09 10:54 pm | #125
Well, when I re-enlisted I got $26,500 but one of my buddies just got $81,000. Crazy. But I don't think we'll ever, ever leave Iraq, just like we're still in Japan, not to keep the peace, but because of it's geographic location.
Re: Pres. Bush
01/19/09 11:37 pm | #127
Even if u did not want obama to win u should be happy bush is outta here
Re: Pres. Bush
01/20/09 1:40 am | #131
Bush was the best ever and it will probably stay that way.
Re: Pres. Bush
01/20/09 8:43 pm | #133
No you are. Bush kicked so much ass, I'm sad to see him go
Re: Pres. Bush
01/20/09 8:44 pm | #134
yea, i mean come on! he dodged a shoe! TWICE!!!
Re: Pres. Bush
01/20/09 8:50 pm | #135
Obama will be reducing the troop count in Iraq as well as increasing our troop count in Afghanistan. I'm glad Obama will be closing Guantanamo Bay... torture is not right under any circumstances.