XbA Username: Diamondcut20
Gamertag: Diamondcut20
Could you tell us where you are from and your age?
I am from Houston, Texas and 21 years old.
Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?
Well, I'm currently on summer vacation from college, but will be going back this fall. I like all types of games, but my favorite is RPG and racing, and I'm definitely gameplay>graphics
How did you find XboxAmerica?
Xbox.com forums
Favorite restaurant?
A burger place called Red Robin.
Most famous person you have met?
I met George Foreman
Person you would most like to have dinner with?
Megan Fox
Who is hotter, Minnie Mouse or Daisy Duck?
Daisy Duck, gotta love those ducks lol
PC or MAC?
How long you been an active gamer?
Since I was 5
What is the story behind your Gamertag?
Kinda thought it up randomly and I thought it sounded cool, but it might change soon to coincide with the clan I just joined Atomik Element
Favorite game genre?
RPG Because of the stories and gameplay are usually real good and there's a lot to do
Favorite 360 game?
Tie between Shadowrun and DiRT.
All-time favorite game on any platform?
Final Fantasy X, so much to do and a great story
Xbox 360 game not named Halo 3 you are looking most forward too?
Bioshock and GTA 4
How often do you play multiplayer on Xbox Live?
A lot more since Shadowrun, but usually a moderate amount, just don't like the cheaters and glitchers
What type of Live Gamer are you?
A mix of silent and crazy talk
What does your Gamerscore mean to you?
Its a lot of fun to get achievements and is probably one of the best things Microsoft came up with, as long as you get all your achievements legit.
Best in-game accomplishment?
Getting to 1,000,000 for the first time in Geometry Wars
If you could bogart 5 things from existing games to make the ultimate game, what games and what parts would they be?
1. Gameplay of Shadowun
2. Story of Final Fantasy
3. A.I. of Bioshock (from what we've seen of it so far)
4. The open world of GTA
5. Graphics of Gears of War (gotta have something here, even though graphics aren't important)
One thing you would like to change about anything related to Xbox 360?
Make it impossible to glitch and cheat online
What can be done to improve XboxAmerica?
Ummmm more leaderboards?? More users?? You guys pretty much have a good site here
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