So which do you prefer your systems, whether they be 360, Wii, or (dare I say...) PS3? Both my 360 and my Wii are vertical. When I bought my 360 the clerk told me to definitley keep it vertical so as to cool it better or whatever whatever. I've heard arguements and debates as to why or why not keep it vertical/horizontal, and the bottom line is that I've had it vertical since I bought it on the release date, and it's worked for me, so I've kept it that way. The Wii just looks more like a vertical system, and with the enclosed stand who can resist standing that cute little device up? Lol. If for nothing else, than it is a space saver. I don't have a PS3, but if I did have one I'm not sure what I'd do with it. It's really heavy, so I may have laid it down, but I don't think that's a decision I'll have to come to for a long time. So what do you all think, horizontal like God intended, or vertical like the companies want you to?
Archived: Horizontal or Vertical?
Posted Under: Gaming
Horizontal or Vertical?
01/17/07 9:11 am | #1
So which do you prefer your systems, whether they be 360, Wii, or (dare I say...) PS3? Both my 360 and my Wii are vertical. When I bought my 360 the clerk told me to definitley keep it vertical so as to cool it better or whatever whatever. I've heard arguements and debates as to why or why not keep it vertical/horizontal, and the bottom line is that I've had it vertical since I bought it on the release date, and it's worked for me, so I've kept it that way. The Wii just looks more like a vertical system, and with the enclosed stand who can resist standing that cute little device up? Lol. If for nothing else, than it is a space saver. I don't have a PS3, but if I did have one I'm not sure what I'd do with it. It's really heavy, so I may have laid it down, but I don't think that's a decision I'll have to come to for a long time. So what do you all think, horizontal like God intended, or vertical like the companies want you to?
So which do you prefer your systems, whether they be 360, Wii, or (dare I say...) PS3? Both my 360 and my Wii are vertical. When I bought my 360 the clerk told me to definitley keep it vertical so as to cool it better or whatever whatever. I've heard arguements and debates as to why or why not keep it vertical/horizontal, and the bottom line is that I've had it vertical since I bought it on the release date, and it's worked for me, so I've kept it that way. The Wii just looks more like a vertical system, and with the enclosed stand who can resist standing that cute little device up? Lol. If for nothing else, than it is a space saver. I don't have a PS3, but if I did have one I'm not sure what I'd do with it. It's really heavy, so I may have laid it down, but I don't think that's a decision I'll have to come to for a long time. So what do you all think, horizontal like God intended, or vertical like the companies want you to?
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/17/07 9:17 am | #2
Mine is horizontal and just a preference. In my Home Theater, it fits better that way in the Audio rack.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/17/07 9:39 am | #3
I have my PS2 horizontal along with my other audio components in my theater rack, but my 360 and my Wii are both vertical on the bottom shelf, as I constantly have to pull the Wii out when my son and I play Gamecube games with the corded controllers, as they are really short.
I really wish we would have bought 2 Wavebird controllers, but that still wouldn't help when using the Bongos that are wired also.
I have never had a problem with my 360 overheating even when it was horizontal. My power supply sits outside of the entertainment rack, so that may help anyway.
I really wish we would have bought 2 Wavebird controllers, but that still wouldn't help when using the Bongos that are wired also.
I have never had a problem with my 360 overheating even when it was horizontal. My power supply sits outside of the entertainment rack, so that may help anyway.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/17/07 10:10 am | #4
I've kept mine horizontal because of all the bad things I've heard about keeping it vertical. Someday I'll try vertical.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/17/07 10:14 am | #5
horizontal fo sho
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/20/07 6:14 pm | #6

Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
01/21/07 6:21 pm | #7
Horizontal so it can fit in my media center.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:43 pm | #8
bringing this thread back!!!...because i have the same question. Everything i searched on google is old as i want some new opinions....right now i keep mine horizontal but i kinda need to go vertical for space reason(though i can still keep horizontal if i really want to). So which one is better? mind you i have a RE5 Red Elite so its Jasper model.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:46 pm | #9
Never do vertical, always horizontal, i put mine vertical and the next day my screen starts freezin and i get RROD!!
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:47 pm | #10
Keeping it horizontal is bad as dust will settle on your mother board and just sit there clogging up your fans. If it's vertical any dust that gets in will most likely settle at the bottom.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:49 pm | #11
well id say it depends on where it is. if its like, on the floor, id say horizontal. because if its just on the floor and vertical, you could kick it down. but if you have it like in/on something, like a shelf or whatever, then id say whatever you want. idk any technical things, like if either makes the fan run better or whatever, so idk lol
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:54 pm | #12
If you have your 360 behind glass doors in an entertainment system you might as well stick it in an oven. It's pretty much asking for RROD.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 3:58 pm | #13
How much dust do you have Grenade?? It would take an awful lot to clog your fan! lol
I used to keep mine vertical all the time, but I'm not sure why. Now it's all horizontal because the kids can't stop running in the house and I don't want it to get knocked over.
I used to keep mine vertical all the time, but I'm not sure why. Now it's all horizontal because the kids can't stop running in the house and I don't want it to get knocked over.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 4:01 pm | #14
It doesn't take much, the dust gets in there over a long period of time. I have personal experience and I've seen it happen. Just trying to spread the word and save someone a RROD.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 4:02 pm | #15
I've always kept mine horizontal on a wire rack so there's plenty of circulation. I got the three red lights once, but that's pretty good compared to most people.