Archived: Horizontal or Vertical?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 7:25 pm | #31
I've always had it vertical, just how I always saw it in stores and stuff. Now, my PS2 that I had in my room I kept it vertical, just because someone bought me a vertical stand. I don't have any problems with mine though. Yet...
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 7:34 pm | #33
I have mine horizontal.
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 7:35 pm | #34
i go horizontal bc i dont like disk trays to be vertical. the ps3 and wii have a slot drive so thats fine. but as for the RRoD ive had it with both a vertical and horizontal xbox. so that makes no difference to me. plus the fans are mainly in the back as well arnt they????
Re: Re: Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 7:37 pm | #35
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by xGrenade:
Keeping it horizontal is bad as dust will settle on your mother board and just sit there clogging up your fans. If it's vertical any dust that gets in will most likely settle at the bottom.
Oh and Mike nice sig but you have to a form to request to be sick

Say what?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/01/09 7:49 pm | #39
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by Mike93:
Say what?
your sig says vacation/sick request form. I thought it was funny to request a sick day like who knows when they will be sick in the future.
I'll just assume that whoever made it was goin' for the vacation time
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/05/09 4:22 pm | #41 im sure we've all come to the conclusion...that horizontal is better. Now..i have the question of which WAY is better...or does this even matter....(remember this a Jasper model)



Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/05/09 4:47 pm | #42
ahem! ^^
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/05/09 4:49 pm | #43
i would go game cases under. cant hurt for cooling u kno
Re: Horizontal or Vertical?
08/05/09 4:49 pm | #44