Archived: Gear heads unite
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Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 10:10 am | #92
Quote by theevol1:
I will see what I can do!
You know I hate shooters though, right?
You know I hate shooters though, right?

i mean, we know you suck and all
but ask tk, tk was totally against the game when it first came out, now he loves it

Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 10:38 am | #93
No, I hated that last match. There was something that kept annoying me the whole game. Anyway, I've been wanting to get Vegas 2 so I might go pick it up.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 10:38 am | #94
god... i meant to get on last night but my friend came over around 5 to watch beerfest and super troopers. i thought we'd be done by 10 but noooo he was over here until like 2 or 3 in the morning playing castle crashers.
congrats to whoever won, though.
congrats to whoever won, though.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 10:50 am | #95
Quote by majority ru1e:
yeah but you like gamer points
Very true sir! Way to appeal to my inner whore!

Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 11:40 am | #97
Quote by Lord Fragg:
god... i meant to get on last night but my friend came over around 5 to watch beerfest and super troopers. i thought we'd be done by 10 but noooo he was over here until like 2 or 3 in the morning playing castle crashers.
congrats to whoever won, though.
congrats to whoever won, though.
I am calling last night a tie between Sparecream22 and ity bity Taco...Hahahaha!!! Both of them will get there prize today. It was to close to call, and I didn't see them fight each other so......Congrats Guys!!!
Thanks everyone who played.....It was FUN!!! Maybe even next week I might even get to kill a few of you. You hear that Meg Hehehe!!!
Evol get Vegas2. It's under 30 busks at Gamestop.....No Excuses...JUST DO IT!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 11:49 am | #98
yaaay =D
actually we did face off once...on fuel depot...then again on canals...forker oesnt stop w/ that sniper...but i got him a few times
down him, spun around his downed body then curbed his face off.
but sadly when he and emm jay joined the canals(?) game i think it was, they made a complete was me shock and evol vs raine and evol (he was host) and then they joined and made it more uneven
we had 8 rounds won...starscream picked up a sniper and just raped...
actually we did face off once...on fuel depot...then again on canals...forker oesnt stop w/ that sniper...but i got him a few times

but sadly when he and emm jay joined the canals(?) game i think it was, they made a complete was me shock and evol vs raine and evol (he was host) and then they joined and made it more uneven

Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 1:36 pm | #101
Quote by PSORaine:
Hmm... yeah it's pretty clear starscream would win over minitaco... It wasn't that close when he played against taco... 
Evol doesn't have the money to waste on vegas 2 right now, he's saving for something important... -_- (MEAN LOOK AT EVOL)
I think you mean you and laguna and shock against me and Evol... and I was OWNING... I mean like- I had lots of kills thanks to you walking into my chainsaw all those times...

Evol doesn't have the money to waste on vegas 2 right now, he's saving for something important... -_- (MEAN LOOK AT EVOL)
I think you mean you and laguna and shock against me and Evol... and I was OWNING... I mean like- I had lots of kills thanks to you walking into my chainsaw all those times...
I'm just going by what I saw when I was playing, and they were both pretty good.
Next week will be better tracked on scores and such. This week was half arsed and a last second idea for us all to play and have some fun!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 3:39 pm | #104
Quote by Shockwave22:
And now you know why i hate going against my son lmao
lol that escalation was hilarious..
i tagged him, jumped, and tagged you. but star jumped back and got both of you and me
omg that argument was hilarious..and nobody else died in time to hear it lol