Quote by PSORaine:
I want Laguna and Evol, since they're most likely the 2 best that will be playing today! Oh, and Taco too! Me, Evol, Laguna and Taco are a team!!!
who is r gon face us!
i say we face doc, shock, starscream, and idk, maybe tk?
we should do a team tourny..btw, this will be player matches right? priv player matches so we can invite and make it better?
i say a diff map for each like round. 8 people per game, and hopefully we can get a total of 16 people, for 2 games. those would be like quarter finals. then the winners face the other winners, and losers face other losers, and that would be the semi finals. then the winner of the winners and the winner of the losers face off, and that could be the finals...
well...then again, that would just be like saying you only need to really try in the second one...k, this might be hard
id say double elimination, but idk how thatd work..wed need more people

but sadly we dont have enough :
we got me, tk, raine, laguna, doc(possible), shock, scream, evol, and maybe meg. thats...10 people...
wait, *goes through last 4 pages*
majority, fragg (maybe), crooklyn, hektic, repo, and cap'n...
6 more people! yay!
ok, we already got one team down. laguna, raine, evol, and me..
our team is...ThePSOTaco! lmao!!!! or ThePSOZombie..EvolBlakPSO? k this might take a while to figure out lol
who dares face us!!!