Archived: Gear heads unite
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Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 7:49 pm | #32
Quote by majority ru1e:
whoever told you that lied..... I never play warzone and I have all achievements but 2 annex and seriously.
o rly? when did you get em (like, around what number, mine so far have been 120s

Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 8:07 pm | #33
for those achievements you have to have alteast 6 people in the room for it to count, it will shows up on your stats but that doesn't mean it's going as your if people quit, it shows you killed them but it doesn't go towards seriously or the other achievements that you can get by curb stomp, execution, sniper and those kind
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 10:55 pm | #35
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
for those achievements you have to have alteast 6 people in the room for it to count, it will shows up on your stats but that doesn't mean it's going as your if people quit, it shows you killed them but it doesn't go towards seriously or the other achievements that you can get by curb stomp, execution, sniper and those kind
fock..ive had about 3 games w/ mike where everyone but us quit >_< and we tried to boost...foooork
then like...out of the 60 or 70 curb stomps i have, like 50 are legit :'(
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 10:57 pm | #36
Well, I'm supposed to get off at 8:30 tomorrow night but the manager keeps giving me more and more stuff to do before I leave... so I should be able to be make it.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 10:58 pm | #37
everything in this game is pretty easy expect 1 insane 2 seriously the others just take time
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 11:01 pm | #38
i should be able to make it. i believe ill have the internet for this weekend, not sure when were officially moving EVERYTHING to our new place...
so i should be able to make it
10? k..ill remember to try and be there
ill put an alarm on my phone tomorrow
so i should be able to make it

Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 11:50 pm | #39
Quote by majority ru1e:
yeah we could all still get together and play for the fun of it.
I'm down to play been a while since I played in groups and i found my ear piece too
Re: Gear heads unite
09/20/08 5:58 am | #40
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
for those achievements you have to have alteast 6 people in the room for it to count, it will shows up on your stats but that doesn't mean it's going as your if people quit, it shows you killed them but it doesn't go towards seriously or the other achievements that you can get by curb stomp, execution, sniper and those kind
That is not exactly true.
First of all, yes if nobody quits, then everything counts and this is the most ideal situation. If it stays 3 on 3 then everything still counts, but anyone who has played gears anytime recently knows that even that seems too much to count on!
Here's what happens.
Once the host quits, nobody gets anything no matter what. If a game drops below 6 people in a room, then a very complex equation that is inhearent in the true skill system takes over.
Everyone who has ever played in a Ranked match is given a sort of "trustworthy" and "untrustworthy" ranking. It all depends on how many games you have finished and the people that you have played and several other factors.
Every game goes into the server database. There is 8 pieces of data at the end of the game, 1 for every player that was in the game at the beginning. If 4 people finished the game and 4 people quit early, then the server has to decide why one game had 5 different ending data. Then it takes the trueskill scores and decides who the "most trustworthy" data came from, then goes from there. The problem is, is that once it gets below 6 people, most people quit just because they are convinced that they are getting nothing for the match. That brings down the chances that a "trustworthy source will deliver the data." The best thing you can do is not quit for any reason. Eventually YOU will be the most trustworthy player and as long as you finish, everything will count for all that finish.
It is a stupid way to do it, and I'm positive that this will be changed for Gears 2. Epic's failing is underestimating how many gamers wore out their servers. Too much data for their server to handle caused them to have to sort of, abbreviate (sort of) causing incomplete data. That's why people always say, "When I first got gears, all of my achievements came at 100!"
Re: Gear heads unite
09/20/08 9:13 am | #42
Quote by PSORaine:
So.. it's an Epic fail?
That's all I had to say, the rest of the post was fine.
That's all I had to say, the rest of the post was fine.
You pretty much summed up that post! I would've saved a lot of time if I would've just put that huh? asshat.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/20/08 9:18 am | #44
I just woke up when I posted that. I was trying to be serious! (for once)