Archived: Gear heads unite
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Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 9:51 pm | #107
No offense TK, but if you're going to split the prizes it should be between Starscream and Repo. They were both owning, way more than Nick was.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/21/08 10:08 pm | #108
i think i should get it cuz i owned plus if i was on starscreams team he got barely no pts which means im better than him ah ah ahah ahh
Re: Gear heads unite
09/22/08 6:01 am | #109
Quote by MDub93:
No offense TK, but if you're going to split the prizes it should be between Starscream and Repo. They were both owning, way more than Nick was.
you only saw like, 2 or 3 games of me. and the last game i forkin owned you guys w/ what, 31 kills? tags, boomshots, curb stomps, executions, and total shotgun owns? yea, that was complete suckage...
lets see, in the games before...i..
went on a taggin rampage
got a couple chainsaws (but im not a big chain fan)
millions of curb stomps
maybe a few headshots
and pretty much was doing awesome, w/ an occasional kill stolen by laguna lol
you can ask anyone who was w/ me before you and scream joined, i was doing pretty awesome..INCLUDING when evol was host (even tho i walked into like 4 chainsaws because of failed reloads lol)
Re: Gear heads unite
09/22/08 8:20 am | #110
Quote by MDub93:
No offense TK, but if you're going to split the prizes it should be between Starscream and Repo. They were both owning, way more than Nick was.
Well it's over with DuB, and I already doubled the prize that I didn't have to do. This was a seat of the pants thing, and I'm just trying to make it interesting with a few prizes. I'm sure if everyone keeps coming back and playing they will get theirs. Also not going to play shooters every week.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/22/08 8:30 am | #111
Hey y'all, sorry I missed the tourney; I would have been another person walking into chainsaws
I actually...don't recall much about Saturday night...Anyways, Vegas 2 this week Tk?

Re: Gear heads unite
09/22/08 2:40 pm | #112
Either way, it was a helluva lotta fun. Thanks for settin' it all up.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/22/08 3:29 pm | #114
Quote by Lou83:
You didn't own Meg. You kept running into my chainsaw. I should of won it.

not my fault you don't know what RT is!!!!!