I will need some help with rules and stuff like that as I don't play gears online. What do you think!!!
Archived: Gear heads unite
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Gear heads unite
09/19/08 12:48 am | #1
Ok short notice but who would like to play Gears Saturday night say around 10:00EST for a GoW mini tourney. The prize is a one month Gold membership that I have sitting here. Sorry I can't go all out on these things every week. Just thought it would be ...Fun!!!
I will need some help with rules and stuff like that as I don't play gears online. What do you think!!!
I will need some help with rules and stuff like that as I don't play gears online. What do you think!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 12:53 am | #2
rounds depending on how many people show up
5 sec bleed out
make it depend on points because you can steal kills and get more kills than anyone else..
rounds depending on how many people show up
5 sec bleed out
make it depend on points because you can steal kills and get more kills than anyone else..
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 1:07 am | #3
This is not very well thought out on my part. I missed not playing last weekend and at least there is a small prize. Someone better tell crusified as he is always needing membership cards..LoL!! Oh wait, he'll slay all of us and do sick things to are dead body's so lets not tell him...Hehehe!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 1:16 am | #4
Quote by TK Chillin:
This is not very well thought out on my part. I missed not playing last weekend and at least there is a small prize. Someone better tell crusified as he is always needing membership cards..LoL!! Oh wait, he'll slay all of us and do sick things to are dead body's so lets not tell him...Hehehe!!!
tk we don't expect you to give us tournys all the time!!!!
thank yooooooooou.
++++thanks to xba for all their tournys too!!!!!!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 2:11 am | #6
If I get off work in time I'm in, but chances are I won't be home til about 10:45 or 11 eastern.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 2:49 am | #7
Count me in man! We can decide via majority rule (he he) what we play when we see how many show up.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 5:34 am | #8
oh crap...idk if ill be able to play :\
im moving this weekend..
darn it tk..if i can join i will...as for the game
any map (tho gridlock, fuel depot, and tyro are 3 ob the best on there imo)
10 rounds, 4 duration
30 second bleed out (5 sec is ghey..and WAAAY to fast.youd bleed out before the person could get a curb stomp/execution..ghey)
im moving this weekend..
darn it tk..if i can join i will...as for the game
any map (tho gridlock, fuel depot, and tyro are 3 ob the best on there imo)
10 rounds, 4 duration
30 second bleed out (5 sec is ghey..and WAAAY to fast.youd bleed out before the person could get a curb stomp/execution..ghey)
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 7:17 am | #9
I probably can't do it at 10, but if you are all still on when I get done with Poker League, I'm in for sure! I just got my game back today!!
@ Taco-She wanted to do 5sec. bleedout because she wanted to play execution. That way you can get back up. It keeps people from stealing kills as much as on longer bleed outs.
I do usually play warzone though!
@ Taco-She wanted to do 5sec. bleedout because she wanted to play execution. That way you can get back up. It keeps people from stealing kills as much as on longer bleed outs.
I do usually play warzone though!

Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 9:30 am | #10
The odds of this starting on time are not good anyway, so I;ll come on here around 10pm and then we can decide what were going to do with rules and stuff. Would like to see everyone get to play. How many people can play in one room in gears I don't even know...seriously LoL!!!
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 10:43 am | #12
Quote by TK Chillin:
This is not very well thought out on my part. I missed not playing last weekend and at least there is a small prize.
Sweet, I'll be down for some Gears, might not be on right at 10 though. Yea Tk, this is kind of what I was starting to do with the XbA nights, picking a game and playing it every Saturday just for the fun of it, I'm just not on as consistently as I used to be so I'm not able to do it as much. If you want to pick up the torch and host some games each weekend just for the hell of it, don't worry about prizes or anything, then feel free. I'm sure we'd all enjoy it

Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 10:48 am | #13
Quote by TK Chillin:
The odds of this starting on time are not good anyway, so I;ll come on here around 10pm and then we can decide what were going to do with rules and stuff. Would like to see everyone get to play. How many people can play in one room in gears I don't even know...seriously LoL!!!
Up to 8 can play per match.
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 11:16 am | #14
^^ yeah but I bet 8 ppl won't even show up since they never do so that's why i said wait to see how many ppl join to see how many ppl play, hektic can host on his 200 dollar router aha h hah aha along with tk if more than 8 wana join
Re: Gear heads unite
09/19/08 11:20 am | #15
lol anyone want to sell me their copy of Gears?