Archived: Breaking the Habit
Posted Under: Gaming
Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 5:15 pm | #1
I managed to finally do it.... I've cancelled my World of Warcraft account. I know it may not seem like a major feat, but this game is extremely addicting. Once WOW gets its tentacles in you they are very hard to detach. The new wave of awesome 360 games currently out certainly helped me make my decision. Anyway, my gamerscore should see a significant increase soon since all of my gaming time will now be devoted to Xboxing. /Cheers and I'll see you all online.
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 5:18 pm | #2
Ha, welcome the "world of console gaming" again. I know the feeling about WoW and it's crazy lure, I recently quit myself - 5 months sober.
I luckily stepped out before the latest expansion. It just absorbed way too much of my time.

Re: Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 5:46 pm | #5
my dad used to be a huge gamer.
he had the dreamcast, PS2, xbox, yada yada.
then about 4 or 5 years ago, he started playing WOW. sold all his consoles.
he's still playing it to this day... -_-
my dad used to be a huge gamer.
he had the dreamcast, PS2, xbox, yada yada.
then about 4 or 5 years ago, he started playing WOW. sold all his consoles.
he's still playing it to this day... -_-
Re: Re: Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 6:09 pm | #6
Quote by Lord Fragg:
my dad used to be a huge gamer.
he had the dreamcast, PS2, xbox, yada yada.
then about 4 or 5 years ago, he started playing WOW. sold all his consoles.
he's still playing it to this day... -_-
my dad used to be a huge gamer.
he had the dreamcast, PS2, xbox, yada yada.
then about 4 or 5 years ago, he started playing WOW. sold all his consoles.
he's still playing it to this day... -_-
I'm sorry man. I hope he soon comes to his senses and gets himself out of his habit...
Also, nice job Nemesis. It sounds like it is quite a feat, I however was one of the lucky people who through peer pressure tried it, but found it disgusting and am afraid to try it again for fear or being sick... hahahaha. It's amazing how much I can relate WOW to smoking. xD

Re: Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 7:58 pm | #7
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
my gamerscore should see a significant increase
Haha...thought I would be able to catch up to you..LOL
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/24/08 7:59 pm | #8
i stopped playing WoW, haven't touched it in 2 weeks.
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 3:28 am | #9
Glad to hear to kick the habit. I never played toe game myself but I don't think I will ever hearing all the horror stories about how you might never see your family or the outside world again if you start it up lol
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 8:30 am | #10
w00 go nemesis
i lucked up and havent been sucked into just doesnt interest me
i lucked up and havent been sucked into just doesnt interest me
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 12:13 pm | #11
Yay your free!!
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 2:21 pm | #12
It took me a few months and 1 relapse to quit WoW. I was very tempted to pick up the habit again when Lich King came out but thankfully I didn't.
My Xbox 360 helped a lot, definitely.
I started smoking more though...
My Xbox 360 helped a lot, definitely.
I started smoking more though...
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 2:37 pm | #13
I played WoW once but not more than a month. I couldn't stand it. I've had other mmorpg's commandeer my mind, but WoW didn't do anything for me.
Re: Breaking the Habit
12/25/08 2:50 pm | #14
It seems a little too cartoony to me. If I were to be submersed in an MMORPG, I think I would like for it to be a little more realistic looking.