Archived: Best RPG game ever
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Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:40 pm | #1
Mines would have to be MASS EFFECT...story was great graphics and of course gameplay..I never really played rpg's until xbox but i hear final fantasy and blue dragon r pretty good...still MASS EFFECT...Cant wait for MASS EFFECT 2..
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:42 pm | #2
fallout 3 is my favorite.
there are some truly epic RPGs on the SNES and PS1 though.
there are some truly epic RPGs on the SNES and PS1 though.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:43 pm | #3
for some reason i forgot about fallout 3 that would my second great story.. when i had snes all i played was mario dont know if thats considered a rpg or wat..
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:45 pm | #4
Like I said in another post. Elder scrolls, oblivion. Awesome game. Morrowind was good to. Bethesda knows what they are doing, following it up with fallout 3 proves they are the best.
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:49 pm | #5
Quote by MarryPoppins wP:
for some reason i forgot about fallout 3 that would my second great story.. when i had snes all i played was mario dont know if thats considered a rpg or wat..
uh... unless it was super mario RPG no, it wasn't an RPG hahaha.
SNES had final fantasy, chrono trigger, secret of evermore, secret of mana, etc.
those are RPGs.
mario is a sidescroller.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:54 pm | #6
WOW! Deja vu! I think instead of rehashing the harsh stance I took against action "RPGs" I posted three or so days ago, I will give you my shorter answer.
NOTHING ON THE 360. My favorite, (since there is no such thing as best ever) is Dragon Warrior/Quest VII.
NOTHING ON THE 360. My favorite, (since there is no such thing as best ever) is Dragon Warrior/Quest VII.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:55 pm | #7
Wow how many threads are there like this? 
My favorite RPGs ever are probably (tied) Morrowind and KOTOR, with Oblivion close behind.. I absolutely love those games. And games that I'd play through the night with a friend and wake up early to play some more.

My favorite RPGs ever are probably (tied) Morrowind and KOTOR, with Oblivion close behind.. I absolutely love those games. And games that I'd play through the night with a friend and wake up early to play some more.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 7:57 pm | #8
Fallout 3, my favorite RPG i've played. I also liked most of the Pokemon games, back when I didn't have an Xbox and was a Nintendo fanboy, but once I got an Xbox, Fallout soon became my favorite.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 8:18 pm | #9
fallout 3 or oblivion, i can't decide.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 9:25 pm | #11
Pokemon Blue.
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 10:00 pm | #12
Quote by Lady Evol:
Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, hey... what about Punch Out?
OMG those are my favorite RPGS!
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 10:02 pm | #13
Mass effect.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/16/09 10:02 pm | #14
finally a mass effect fan thank u lol