Archived: Asshat (me)
Posted Under: Blogs
Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 5:12 pm | #31
Update: Made it through another long, and I mean long weekend. Thank god for Kool-Aid!!! lol
Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 10:32 pm | #33
Quote by TK Chillin:
Update: Made it through another long, and I mean long weekend. Thank god for Kool-Aid!!! lol
Oh YEAH!!!

Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 10:36 pm | #34
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Oh YEAH!!!

Drank! I love that $h!t ....I'm pretty sure we can still drink that together

Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 10:50 pm | #35
kool aid = win
Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 11:23 pm | #36
Fuck yeah TK, you're the man.
You do what you feel like you need to do. Feel free to vent off steam at us here, we're used to your asshattery anyway.
We <3 youse!
You do what you feel like you need to do. Feel free to vent off steam at us here, we're used to your asshattery anyway.
We <3 youse!