im right there with you on that one buddy, lol
Archived: Asshat (me)
Posted Under: Blogs
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 11:04 am | #16
mmmmm meeeeeeeeeds
im right there with you on that one buddy, lol
im right there with you on that one buddy, lol
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 1:48 pm | #17
Quote by TK Chillin:
Thanks Man.
The house keeper would love to go to Germany.....but I wouldn't like it at all. She stays, sorry raine!!! lol
The house keeper would love to go to Germany.....but I wouldn't like it at all. She stays, sorry raine!!! lol
I've seen those "cleaning" videos on the interwebs you lucky SoB

I just hope the lawn man doesn't join in

Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 3:10 pm | #18
Quote by Repo Man 360:
I've seen those "cleaning" videos on the interwebs you lucky SoB 
I just hope the lawn man doesn't join in

I just hope the lawn man doesn't join in

Thats just Wrong Repo, your sick!!!
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 3:19 pm | #20
She does the dishes and the laundry also. I feel sorry for her, she has to touch my underwear....Ewww!!!!!
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 3:32 pm | #21
You make her wear a French Maid Outfit?....I make mine wear one

Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 3:54 pm | #22
OMG.....OK she's like 68yrs old and I not even home when she's here you sickos.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 4:40 pm | #23
TK, man believe me its tough. I first got sober in December of 05 and lasted 6 months. I drank for a couple of weeks and then got back on the sobriety train. I recently celebrated 2yrs clean (07/01/08) and it gets so much easier as time passes. I dont know if you have considered AA or anything, but it will give you some good tools to stay clean and live a life of sobriety. I may be quite a bit younger than you but with addictions age does not matter, its a disease that will eventually kill us. If you have any question holler at me!
Good luck and God Bless
Good luck and God Bless
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 6:32 pm | #25
I...Will...Not...Fail.....Period. I swore to my granny as she was passing. It's like the lord himself was talking and looking me strait in the eye. I have changed more than just the drinking.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 6:42 pm | #26
Congrats TK, that is awesome to hear man. I am sure we're all pulling for you; when you've got nothing to do just hit us up for some Lost Planet to keep your mind occupied
Good luck man, I know you can do it!

Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 9:21 pm | #27
Good luck TK you can do it!
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 9:22 pm | #28
Good luck. You can do it.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 8:05 am | #29
Dude I'm am so proud at the stand you are taking!! I hope and wish you all the luck in the world in battling your demons. We all have demons to fight and you show that your strong enough to not only realize what your demons are but to defeat them.
I want you to surround yourself with people who are same minded and you will be able to do this!!
Stay strong man!!!!!!!!!!!
I want you to surround yourself with people who are same minded and you will be able to do this!!
Stay strong man!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Asshat (me)
08/25/08 3:37 pm | #30
Damn man sorry to hear about your grandmother, my condolences to you and your family. It is always hard to loose someone who is very close to you. As for the drinking, good for you. It's a hard life and outside pressure doesn't help with the stress of trying to stop. You have to take it one day and one step at a time.