Archived: Asshat (me)
Posted Under: Blogs
Asshat (me)
08/24/08 12:43 am | #1
Since joining this site I have been a drinker. A very bad habit but one that kept me pretty mellow. I have injoyed being a member of this site and active in the forums. As some of you know I have recently quiet my 23yr habit. This is the hardest thing I have ever done...Period. I wake up and don\'t even know who I am. If that sounds weird, you are right. My only Goal right now is not to break a promise to a very special person in my life. My Grandmother. It was her last wish that I defeat the demons in my life and join her some day in the Lords kingdom of heaven. I made my promise, and I\'m not going to let her down. I got there just in time, and to see her face lite up as I swore to stop drinking as she passed was earth shattering to me. I will not fail in this. But I\'m not sure sort term this has made me a better person. I seem to have a very short fuse and some people have even told me to start drinking again. So please bare with me and know that i\'m trying my best to not fuck this up. Today I made an ass of my self. It may happen again. Just know that my friendship for you is genuine, and bare with me a bit.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 12:45 am | #3
dun worry, its gon be k
good luck w/ going sober. its always good to know that if you make a promise to a loved one on their deathbed and keep it, theyll be watching you all the while keepin the promise
good luck w/ going sober. its always good to know that if you make a promise to a loved one on their deathbed and keep it, theyll be watching you all the while keepin the promise

Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 12:49 am | #4
I understand! I will bare with you, but you must bare with yourself!
If you need anything, I probably feel you as much or more than anyone else, as I think that is my next course of action!
You are not alone.
If you need anything, I probably feel you as much or more than anyone else, as I think that is my next course of action!
You are not alone.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 1:29 am | #6
Thanks you guy's and I will talk to Evol and tell him not to wait 23yrs. Looking back at the people its hurt and the money wasted...STUPID!!!
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 1:37 am | #8
You guys are soooooo sober!! lol

Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 1:38 am | #9
Good Luck TK. I hope you can break your habit.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 2:07 am | #10
Keep fighting the good fight brotha! We all all behind you 100%
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 10:23 am | #11
Thanks, to all. The weekends are the worst as I don't have things to do. Maybe I should start doing my own chores and stop paying people to do them for me.
I have a guy that mowes the grass, and a girl that does flowers and landscape, and another woman cleans the house. Dam I'm a spoiled lazy Basterd.
I have a guy that mowes the grass, and a girl that does flowers and landscape, and another woman cleans the house. Dam I'm a spoiled lazy Basterd.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 10:34 am | #13
TK is wonderful to see you make such a big step in the right direction. After you have a habit for such a long time it makes it even much harder to kick it. Just know that you are doing it for the right reasons, for yourself, and your grandmother. If you ever feel yourself slippin just think of your grandmother.
You sound like a religious man, just keep in mind that the devil will keep throwing things at you to make you fal and to make it hard on you, just turn you sites upward and with the lord behind your back you can do anything, and it will feel even more sweeter when you reach your goal. It's your turn to fight back and kick his ass buddy
Be Strong Buddy, like repo said we are all backing you 100%.
You sound like a religious man, just keep in mind that the devil will keep throwing things at you to make you fal and to make it hard on you, just turn you sites upward and with the lord behind your back you can do anything, and it will feel even more sweeter when you reach your goal. It's your turn to fight back and kick his ass buddy

Be Strong Buddy, like repo said we are all backing you 100%.
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 10:45 am | #14
Thanks Man.
The house keeper would love to go to Germany.....but I wouldn't like it at all. She stays, sorry raine!!! lol
The house keeper would love to go to Germany.....but I wouldn't like it at all. She stays, sorry raine!!! lol
Re: Asshat (me)
08/24/08 11:00 am | #15
good luck with your choice man, not every one can make a decision like this and stick to it but you will if you think of your grandma. i grew up with a father who was an extremely violent alcoholic (not saying that you are) so i know what it's like to have your family affected by this. i'm a drinker myself, but in moderation, and i have a short fuse myself, that's why i take my meds man, i don't stress out as much anymore and want to smash everything every time something gets too hard to deal with. good luck again and remember.... YOU CAN DO IT ...........ALL NIGHT LONG!