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Archived: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
12/29/08 5:10 pm | #61
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Quote by PSORaine:
so basically he said you're a psychotic homosexual hermit????
nah, cuz that'd be a schizotypal eclectic lacking the requisite socialization to form a rhetorical proposition to civilization's adept phalluses

What he said.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
12/29/08 5:41 pm | #62
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Quote by ReverendMeta:
nah, cuz that'd be a schizotypal eclectic lacking the requisite socialization to form a rhetorical proposition to civilization's adept phalluses

What he said.
That's what SHE said!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
12/29/08 7:13 pm | #63
Quote by theevol1:
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
What he said.
That's what SHE said!

Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
12/29/08 8:53 pm | #65
errr, i would continue that pyramid of fail, but my eyes hurt so, I agree with everything said in that pyramid of win?
"Blind" - Make a thread that has already pre-existed
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
12/30/08 10:52 am | #66
Think Tank - Created a Suggestion which was finally put into play on this website...
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 7:41 pm | #67
Platinum Waffle- This user has achieved a gamerscore of 200,000 or higher.
Diamond Waffle- This user has achieved a gamerscore of 250,000 or higher.
Xbox America Philanthropist- This user has donated $150+ to Xbox America.
Hometown Hero- This user is in the top 50 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Hometown legend - This user is in the top 25 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Local Icon - This user is in the top 10 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Head of State- This user is the leader on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
and finally now that xbox has the number of years you've been a member on xbox live when you look at someones profile. how about putting that number on xbox america as a trophy i.e.
2- member of live for 2 years, 2- member of live for 3 years, etc.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 7:54 pm | #68
very creative von doom i like
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:05 pm | #70
What about one for Hosting an XBA night?
Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:14 pm | #71
Quote by MarryPoppins wP:
very creative von doom i like
thank you! you too, too undead.
now, lets just hope they get implemented, and maybe i'll get my brain stormer trophy. lol but seriously, i think those awards would do well.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:21 pm | #72
How about..
Trophy Case - Suggest an award that comes into use.
I can word that better, but not now..
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:24 pm | #73
there's a first time for everything!
create an event where all confirmed members show up.
the legend of livewire.
avoid playing your 360 for 6 months.
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerthere's no bad ideas when you're braaaaaaaaainstormin'!
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:28 pm | #74
also guy, the following awards are all stackable.
Hometown Hero- This user is in the top 50 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Hometown legend - This user is in the top 25 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Local Icon - This user is in the top 10 on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
Head of State- This user is the leader on the xbox america leaderboards in his/ her state
so if say, you're ranked 24th in texas, you have both hometwon hero and hometown legend in your awards, kinda like the donation awards. i.e. if you are ranked 1st in your state you have all 4. and if they do get picked up, i kinda had an idea for the the award pics, either like military medals, or soviet inspired ribbons.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:31 pm | #75
Firestarter - Flame an entire thread using only the bare essentials: a regulation M2.
(Sorry I couldn't resist)
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