Archived: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
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Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:45 pm | #77
I don't know if it's already been suggested, but I think there should be an award for doing 10 Reviews, and maybe one for 20.
It would motivate people to do more of their own small reviews for games and products, which I like reading.
It would motivate people to do more of their own small reviews for games and products, which I like reading.
Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 8:47 pm | #78
Quote by Lady Evol:
I don't like the waffle achievements for the same reason I don't like the last one von doom suggested... I think this site's awards should be... for this site. You REALLY want an AWARD for having a certain gamerscore? Errr... isn't that called YOUR GAMERSCORE? You want an AWARD for belonging to XBL for a certain # of years??? What does that have to do with XBA?
I just think awards ON xba should be related TO xba.
I just think awards ON xba should be related TO xba.
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Also I take issue with the bastardization of the word waffle just so they could make a cutesy icon for it. But that's another story...
WE already have the waffle awards, therfore someone thought it important enough to have them, in the first place, i'm only continuing the tradition. i'm just trying to make the site better. i like the fact that your trying to bring XBA together a closer knit community, but awards that have some outside influence could bring in outsiders, and help the XBA community grow as a whole.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:01 pm | #80
Quote by Lady Evol:
Also I take issue with the bastardization of the word waffle just so they could make a cutesy icon for it. But that's another story...
Bastardization? Not quite...
Language is flexible. The use of the waffle makes perfect sense and was not a simple attempt to create a "cutesy icon." If new members don't get the reference, it doesn't matter. What the fuck is an "Emmy," anyways?
Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:15 pm | #83
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I do like the head of state one though
Me as well. I would not make them stackable though, you get 1, and when you reach the next tier, you get that one.
I also like my previous idea of each award listing the history of the users who had/have received it. This way, instead of stacking those 4 awards, your name would still be listed as having received those lower ones. I originally mentioned this idea for the weekly gamerscore award as it only lists the current holder, not past winners, which should still be mentioned as recipients IMHO.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:30 pm | #86
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by Von Doom:
WE already have the waffle awards, therfore someone thought it important enough to have them, in the first place, i'm only continuing the tradition. i'm just trying to make the site better. i like the fact that your trying to bring XBA together a closer knit community, but awards that have some outside influence could bring in outsiders, and help the XBA community grow as a whole.
I'm not saying that because of my opinion of whether we should bring in other people, and I know the waffle icons are already there. I've mentioned before I'm not crazy about the waffle thing, and never expanded, so I thought I'd expand on it because I feel the same way about the whole "award for xbl time."
The thing is, sure, we're bringing in more
So yes, there are awards that can bring more people into the site, but I maintain that they should in some way reflect something that has to do with the site. Not gamerscore, and not time belonging to live... otherwise what makes this site different from any other 360 site? Your gamerscore doesn't change whether you're on here or x360a, right?
Quote by Meta:
I don't know if it's already been suggested, but I think there should be an award for doing 10 Reviews, and maybe one for 20.
It would motivate people to do more of their own small reviews for games and products, which I like reading.
It would motivate people to do more of their own small reviews for games and products, which I like reading.
I give this post a 9/10. It was creative, original, and really got my attention.

I propose a rant award exclusively for Lady Evol. Moo.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:34 pm | #87
Quote by Bovice63:
I propose a rant award exclusively for Lady Evol. Moo.
lol. this is a thread where you're supposed to propose ideas for awards, and instead she just wants to bash mine.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:35 pm | #88
i think the awards we have now are fine. i do like the review one but that has me thinking that ppl will just spam the shit out of the forums with crappy unthought out reviews. i like the site the way it is. this is just my opinion bt if this site gets huge wont it just turn into x360a and have a bunch of bitchy ppl who think they are better than everyone? with this site the size it is and with the number of active members it just seems to work. idk how it works but it does. it just seems like everyone gets along
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:37 pm | #89
Also, I like the review one as well. I'd right a few if the award was implemented.
Re: Any XBA Awards Ideas?
08/17/09 9:41 pm | #90
I think that the head of state etc. would be horribly unfair to people in large states (Biased).
I just think awards ON xba should be related TO xba.
Just want to restate awards that would go well here
Par-taking in Events
Using the chat room
New ideas-
Being a "Trusted Trader"
Hosting an( # of) XBA Night(s)
Quote by Crustyhippy:
How about..
Trophy Case - Suggest an award that comes into use.

I can word that better, but not now..
Trophy Case - Suggest an award that comes into use.

I can word that better, but not now..
Quote by Lady Evol:
I just think awards ON xba should be related TO xba.
Just want to restate awards that would go well here
Par-taking in Events
Using the chat room
New ideas-
Being a "Trusted Trader"
Hosting an( # of) XBA Night(s)