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Personal Information
Join Date:Jan 9, 2009
BirthdayDecember 5th
Favorite Gameanything that i enjoy playing
Least Favorite Gameones that i dnt enjoy playing
Hardest Achievementgears of war 2 online achievements
Facebook:posey wood
Location:Rocky Mt, Va
Interests:I love any type of games. If it is fun and i can play it with out getting mad at it.
Biography:Im Posey Wood.
QUIKFIR3's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
QUIKFIR3's Shoutbox
J0SH - 14 years ago

how old are you?

Sean - 15 years ago

maybe I was a little harsh, but it needed to be done

Sean - 15 years ago

I was expecting a friendly "Oh wow, im sorry I did not know selling accounts wasnt allowed". Even if you did know selling accounts wasnt allowed that wouldve been nice

Sean - 15 years ago


Sean - 15 years ago

hey man im not mad at you, but its kinda annoying to be ignored when I clearly stated that the seeling of account is not allowed. I tried to lighten up the mood of the first post by saying "Your disgracing our state!" But clearly you took it the wrong way

BoyzRFlatt - 15 years ago

cuz you're arguing about something stupid! its not worth fighting over. id just ignore it. especially since trying to sell accounts is against the site rules

BoyzRFlatt - 15 years ago

ooooh i got cha

Bovice63 - 15 years ago

I got a one month card, what you have up for trade?

glenbiz - 15 years ago

congrats on winning, i tried but saw you moved up ti first place. nice win, we will see who wins next time good luck

PureEvil x21 - 15 years ago

I just posted in this weeks. I have won 1 time, and it was the same. I was trailing by roughly 1400 all week, and finally passed the guy on Sunday and never looked back. Won my week 400 points ahead with 5,550 points. It was exhausting.

glenbiz - 15 years ago

thank you

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

just got mile high club for a friend. yay m3 after three hours of watching him play i toook four tries and got it for him

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

playing cod4 with a friend trying to help him get mile high club. its hard as fuck

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

almost done with 2nd. cant wait hopefully getting checked out a little bit earler

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

Three more classes left. Delayed classes thank god.

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

end of the week yay.

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

1 class left thank god.

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

almost done with third. cant wait to get home. wanna work on some achievements so bad.

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

YaY! 2 more classes left. going to third now.

QUIKFIR3 - 15 years ago

Hello everybody! how are you all doing? Me good right now i'm sitting in Intro to media being bored. Wish i could be home Playing games. Working on my gamer score.