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Entertainment Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
The adventures of Merlin.....ever heard of it? J0SH131,762

04/27/10 9:09 pm
by J0SH

What music/bands to you listen too? Shock422,853

04/27/10 5:36 pm
by Daniel

PHONE vs. IPOD TOUCH This thread contains a pollJ0SH181,991

04/24/10 10:54 pm
by J0SH

System of a Down, B.Y.O.BACK? Chaind Insanity242,263

04/24/10 2:22 am
by EthanRomIsDead

It would suck if this happened to you! Muppets Rule01,275

04/24/10 12:24 am
by Muppets Rule

Static-X: Machine review Chaind Insanity71,334

04/23/10 8:47 am
by Chaind Insanity

Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 Chaind Insanity473,740

04/22/10 3:22 pm
by Hydrocannon

Ten Masked Men: The Return of the Ten Masked Men review Chaind Insanity31,438

04/22/10 11:10 am
by Chaind Insanity

avatar dvd SouthSideRidaz162,120

04/22/10 12:44 am
by Circus

the Devin Townsend Project: Ki review Chaind Insanity01,223

04/21/10 4:59 pm
by Chaind Insanity

Official UFC thread Chaind Insanity31,729

04/19/10 8:46 am
by Chaind Insanity

Doctor Who Season Premiere Chris and Rick11,185

04/18/10 1:18 pm
by Crustyhippy

Pantera: A Decade of Dominance Compilation Chaind Insanity51,971

04/16/10 11:33 am
by Chaind Insanity

In Flames disbanded? Chaind Insanity152,431

04/14/10 11:07 am
by Chaind Insanity

Conan to Host new show Shock171,839

04/12/10 6:05 pm
by Shock

Favorite band/music group J0SH272,423

04/11/10 11:53 pm
by Dewton

Anime Fans? Chris and Rick624,353

04/11/10 5:17 pm
by SetsunaFSeiei

willa ford nude pic on last fm chadiIIac71,979

04/11/10 1:05 pm
by ErmacVersion1

Nightmare on Elm street (Remake) Krueger1428704,453

04/11/10 2:47 am
by J1R2D3R4M

zombieland Skull x360a573,537

04/09/10 11:27 pm
by Skull x360a

Free Music! Angels & Airwaves Muppets Rule81,443

04/08/10 6:59 pm
by Durtie

Anime D3ADLYKILL3R12411,612

04/08/10 12:41 am
by Melissa Evol

John Carpenter's The Thing prequel Chaind Insanity01,100

04/07/10 5:54 pm
by Chaind Insanity

Any Underoath fans? Bubbles11,194

04/06/10 12:30 pm
by Not a Valid User

Latest Episode of Chuck Chris and Rick11,162

04/06/10 1:40 am
by IRiSH